Big Johnny & The Bean Dip

Classic Goldwings

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Supporting Member
Dec 10, 2012
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Altadena, CA
Big Johnny was at a party the other day, and he had eaten way too much bean dip, and had a bit too much to drink. He could feel the gas pressure building, but the restrooms were occupied.

He spotted the host's dog near a corner of the room and had a brilliant idea! He walked over next to the dog, and let just a little bit out - popppttt!

The dog's owner called out, "Fido!"

Realizing his scheme was working, he let a bit more out - poppoppttpt!

"FIDO!!" The owner called out again.

Johnny thought to himself, "Excellent! Now, the rest" - poppttpoopttblapptpop!!

"FIDO! Get away from that guy before he ***** all over you!"