Carb Removal Questions

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2011
Reaction score
Inverary, Ontario
I sometimes forget to turn my gas off and yesterday after sitting for 6 days my bike would not turn over. I saw that the gas was on and figured it was hydro-locked. I removed the left side plugs and it turned over and it pumped quite a bit of gas out the back cylinder. Put the plugs back in and it started right up. I then removed the oil plug and got a sample of oil which I had just changed the week before. It had a strong gas smell so I chenged it and the filter as well. I guess I have a float problem. I've never had the carbs off a Gold Wing before so before I do I wanted to ask some basic quesitons. Do you remove the chrome intakes pieces from the head and from the carbs or can you just loosen them at the heads and leave them conncected to the rack? Can you just disconnect the fuel line at the output of the fuel pump or do you have to disconnect from each carb? Since there are two throttle cables I assume that two have to be removed from the carbs as well as a choke cable. Is there any other cable or electrical connection that has to be unhooked? Sorry about the basic questions but for once I thought I would ask first. Thanks.
I suggest you skip taking them off if the bike runs good. The float valves can't hold back fuel some times. Better you run ATF in your fuel and remember to turn off the fuel valve at every shutdown over a few minutes long.
Slab has good suggestions, closing the fuel valve after running is a good idea. But I have also experienced my carbs leaking into the engine with the fuel valve closed. Bottom line for me was that my floats were not adjusted correctly and my float pins would not seal even after an initial cleaning.

As far as getting them out, I remove the shelter, remove the right side intakes and the right side CV covers and slides, diconnect the choke cable on the right side, unbolt the left intakes, disconnect the fuel line at the pump, slide the carbs left to remove the throttle cables and then slide the carbs out.
All good suggestions. Thanks for the removal steps mcgoven61.The bike is running good so I like the idea of not taking them out however I am a slow learner and I am afraid I might forget to close the shut-off. I will give the ATF a try and maybe see if I can put this off to the fall when I have more time. The bike has never done this before but it was open for 6 days but it was also on the center stand. I always thought it would be more likely to do this if on the side stand.
I have a real hard time remembering to turn my fuel off - the one time I did I ran outa gas the next day in front of my house - gotta work on the memory.

What was that you are supposed to eat to improve memory I used to know but ....
Wierd....I never experienced this...crap, no wood to knock on either! Seriously though, guess ive been really lucky to not experience this dilemna which would make lots of common sense...

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