One thing I enjoy is accomplishing some tasks that are needed, by creating a less expensive method.
I bought 1 brass carb manifold adapter from dennis kirk. Took my mity vac with the vacuum gauge and attached it to the first carb. #3 and had a pair of vice grips handy. Fired up the bike, put the vice grips on the hose and then twisted the adjustment knob on the vice grips until the needle steadied @ 9 inches. Removed hose, removed brass fitting and proceeded to #1, Amazingly to me, it cam in @ 9 also. I fiddled with the vise grips to make sure they were not affecting the reading. Then I repeated for 2, then 4. No adjustment was needed. I did find that the sealing washer under the manifold screw on #1 was missing and there was tiny indications that there had been some leakage. Put screw in with new washer, and checked the gauge on #3 again.
All total, it took my about 30 minutes to verify that each carb was pulling 9 inches. If I would have had to make adjustments, it would have been longer, but I now feel my carbs are close to being where they need to be for about $12. 6 for the adapter and 6 for shipping it to me.
My KLR buddies would be proud. :grin:
I bought 1 brass carb manifold adapter from dennis kirk. Took my mity vac with the vacuum gauge and attached it to the first carb. #3 and had a pair of vice grips handy. Fired up the bike, put the vice grips on the hose and then twisted the adjustment knob on the vice grips until the needle steadied @ 9 inches. Removed hose, removed brass fitting and proceeded to #1, Amazingly to me, it cam in @ 9 also. I fiddled with the vise grips to make sure they were not affecting the reading. Then I repeated for 2, then 4. No adjustment was needed. I did find that the sealing washer under the manifold screw on #1 was missing and there was tiny indications that there had been some leakage. Put screw in with new washer, and checked the gauge on #3 again.
All total, it took my about 30 minutes to verify that each carb was pulling 9 inches. If I would have had to make adjustments, it would have been longer, but I now feel my carbs are close to being where they need to be for about $12. 6 for the adapter and 6 for shipping it to me.
My KLR buddies would be proud. :grin: