I hard wired the cooling fan to the ignition circuit so that it comes on immediately when the bike starts. It is supposed to "pull" hot air off the radiator, right? Not push it forward?
are you having heating issues??? thers to be switch wired in so you can turn it on manualy ....if your bike is running hot post about it....on mine i run a manual switch and no thermostat as i dont want any obstruction in my cooling system and i only have to turn my fan on in trafic and it runs cooler then than anytime and it sure beats the hot heat in trafic to as my harley friends melt down...post some more on this .....
cause the sender must not have been working, the fan has never gone on for as long as I have the bike and the gauge was showing hot. The gauge is still showing hot even after the fan is running so I know it's bad too or the sender for that.
joe you better look into this a little more and realy make sure its not getting hot ....it could be that 7 volt guage regulator thing that when bad sends 12 volts to the guages instead making them peg the neddle...the gas guage would register high too ....but dont let this thing run hot .....if it is first thing get rid of the thermostat and ride it around and see if it runs cooler ....you need to get a handle on this ......
the fuel gauge is all the way to the left, reserve since I've owned it. The temp gauge worked for a while and then now is flukey. It doesn't feel hot at all. I'd be able to smell or feel it. Either the sender or the gauge is the issue.
When the sensor end is right against the radiator core it'll read pretty accurate the coolant temp.
This way you'll know if the gauge is off or running hot.