Fan sensor woes

Classic Goldwings

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May 25, 2013
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Ardmore Ok.
Kinda sucks someone on another site listed a borg warner TFS500 as a direct replacement, I ordered one and found out what some of you know..they don't fit..then pulled apart the old one to see if I could fix it to get by, pin was sticky but cleaning it didn't work either so it is time for a brand new one, sending the new one back for a refund..gotta wait till that's done to buy the correct one. Sucks when the bike is down.
I do know about the geo sensor, only 10 bucks less then the original type so would rather buy an original , external switch I can do but don't trust myself to remember to turn it on, nearly missed that the fan wasn't working, I wonder how long its been out.
The waiting is the hardest part...just venting a little.
[url= said:
slabghost » Wed Sep 23, 2015 6:26 pm[/url]":208hj4bw]
just turn it on and leave it on. Won't hurt a thing.
I could do that but I already have the tank ,lower fairings off..really thought it was the correct switch, thinking maybe chancing a used one but disappointments are rolling in so maybe I better not, wonder what the odds of getting a bad one are.
I would put the manual switch in as additional insurance Jeff, I still haven't fixed my original fan switch. I have an overide switch on the Pig as it is handy in traffic and really hot weather to have it run all the time until the bike is below operating temperature. It was on when I was trying to start the Rats Nest in the shipping container for the first time in 5 months and due to my excitement took me awhile to realise and turn it off. I almost needed a jump start :doh:
i really like my pusher fan i just install that im down in florida i have heard it run a few times is louder than stock ...but it cools the bike like now ....still havnt hook up a manual switch yet but going to....just a great option to have auto -manual set up.....i will say this ...the fan is well protected in stock position ...and on dirt and gravel type roads ..the fan can take a beating ....very possible that a rock could get stuck inside cage for sure creates a new deal to ck while glancing at bike ....
I`m thinking that may be the thing to do in case of overheating for any reason, just figuring out where to mount the switch
without drilling , need a bolt to mount to and a bracket..I`ll figure it out.
[url= said:
zman » Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:07 am[/url]":37ia278w]
I`m thinking that may be the thing to do in case of overheating for any reason, just figuring out where to mount the switch
without drilling , need a bolt to mount to and a bracket..I`ll figure it out.
I used a micro toggle switch drilled through the choke bracket
[url= said:
Ansimp » Thu Sep 24, 2015 10:22 am[/url]":r94bwhxv]
[url= said:
zman » Fri Sep 25, 2015 3:07 am[/url]":r94bwhxv]
I`m thinking that may be the thing to do in case of overheating for any reason, just figuring out where to mount the switch
without drilling , need a bolt to mount to and a bracket..I`ll figure it out.
I used a micro toggle switch drilled through the choke bracket
Nice!..thats the place, thanks.