Fathers day plans?

Classic Goldwings

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[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=84762#p84762:1baxp0pz said:
Wildwing » Wed Jun 12, 2013 8:18 am[/url]":1baxp0pz]My youngest son graduates H.S. today. We leave for Hawaii tomorrow, so I'll be sippen fruity umbrella drinks on the beach this father's day.
Happy Father's day to all.

I dunno yet.

I have a want/need issue. I want a 1911 so I need to buy one, so I will be working I am working... I have to contribute to my Ruger SR1911 fund. That is my Fathers day present to myself.
What percentage of Americans own guns?

I see another guy went on a shooting rampage at a College in California the other day .. are things as bad as they look ..?? Were things better or worse 20 years ago..??
I'll call and visit with Pa for a while. Then, I'll either be finishing up the fuel infector job on Mama's Cadrack, or runnin the tractor over the grass...or both. :whip:
My dad and brother are in Puerto Rico, so I've adopted my father in law who lives just 5 minutes from home. Usually we take him to lunch just after church service. No plans for ride since me and my wife went to Bradenton Beach ( 250mi round trip ) last Sunday and stayed in a decent hotel for one night, so no more long trip until next week. :nea:

Happy Fathers Day brothers of this forum.
Looks like I miss Father's Day this year as we celebrate it on the 1st of September here in Oz. unfortunately I will be in the States still on that weekend.
Heck what am I saying, it will be the best Fathers Day ever as I will still have over a week left of "my trip of a lifetime " in the States :yes: :yahoo:
I plan to fill the void left to me by father`s celebrating fathers day.
I`m a step father and My so called daughter is probably mainlining somewhere.
I did my best but it was too late.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=85059#p85059:m73d1228 said:
1060dsl » Fri Jun 14, 2013 7:05 pm[/url]":m73d1228]Sorry to hear that .... hope things turn around ...
I know things will turn around..no telling where they turn but I am way and far away from the fallout.
I am at peace no doubt, Wish I could have helped .
Thanks bother.
I supposedly fathered 4. No dna tests back then. Two with each of of my first two wives. Mothers taught them all I'm not worth knowing. I'll still salute my Dad with a beer. He passed a few years before I got back on the bikes.

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