So every once in a while I see this guy on Flamingo Rd with a late model 1000 that he has sort-of ratted out. It's blacked-out, mufflers like Roady's Whinnie(but not Harley), no rear fender, and one of those one size fits all Plexiglas fairings that even protects your hands/grips. Today we came to a light and he was in the lane just to my left and 1 car ahead of me. I was just looking over his Wing and realized there was something about the ass-end of his bike that was really off. Finally it hits me, his rear tire is a larger size of the same front tire on his bike. It was so obvious after I figured it out, front and rear tires of the same application like my 404's look very different, besides just the size difference. This guy has two front tires on his bike, ever heard of this before?