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Well-known member
May 4, 2013
Reaction score
Boise, ID
So, i dont know how many of you have seen these. they are usually hanging from the clutch or the brake lever, I have seen a few over the years around here, but to me, even though they are leather (which i love) they seem to be more of a waste and more trouble then they should be.

I bring this up because i love tassels, and i never knew what these were called until today, but i was looking for some new lever leather tassels to put on Bear, and i came across these.

I just see more trouble with these then anything, depending on their length, there is always the possibility of them getting caught in the wheels from a good wind gust and throwing the bike.

there were a few reasons i found why people get these,
1. display your club colors
2. can be used in defense since it has a quick release.

i just see it giving the law an other reason to pull you over, and most people that are going to mess with someone in leathers and a whip will usually have a gun so they would just shoot ya.

IDK. i find them interesting as well as useless. what do you all think?
The whips are teh gheyness. :roll:

Tassels are sweet, I love them too. Old Girlfriend had 20"ers on the grips and 10"ers on the levers.

The only reason I won't be getting them for New Girlfreind is because they just wouldn't look right(to me).

First I've heard of them.
Whats the real purpose?


How uncomfortable must it be to ride with ape hangers like this guy?

I have a set of tassels for my wing, tried em out and they were slapping me the whole time so I took them off..
[url= said:
dan filipi » Sat May 25, 2013 11:34 pm[/url]":j9jlhmv8]First I've heard of them.
Whats the real purpose?



Keep the flies off you?
I would think with that much pull on it,his brake light would be on and he would be wearing out the front brakes.

Looks about as usefull as a strip of toilet paper stuck to your shoe.I am not a big fan of leather anyway,to hot,to heavy and soaks up water like a sponge.

Maybe he had a dog attached to the end,poor little fella kept up for the first few miles...
[url= said:
Tory » Sat May 25, 2013 7:56 pm[/url]":3qzp1f88]Looks about as usefull as a strip of toilet paper stuck to your shoe.I am not a big fan of leather anyway,to hot,to heavy and soaks up water like a sponge.

Maybe he had a dog attached to the end,poor little fella kept up for the first few miles...

One of my favorite movies!
[url= said:
Omega Man » Sat May 25, 2013 8:18 pm[/url]":5xbtzw5k]I was told they use it to swat at cars getting too close on the right...and to look really ghey.

That explanation makes more sense then anything.
[url= said:
toytender01 » Sun May 26, 2013 2:23 pm[/url]":3pi9a3pn]The real reason is so that when you get to the Motel you have the whip to go with the black leather out fit she is wearing :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:

now we dont need to hear what goes on in your kinky life.
[url= said:
Buck » Mon May 27, 2013 7:06 am[/url]":20lav6f6]
[url= said:
toytender01 » Sun May 26, 2013 2:23 pm[/url]":20lav6f6]The real reason is so that when you get to the Motel you have the whip to go with the black leather out fit she is wearing :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:

now we dont need to hear what goes on in your kinky life.

And you ride a naked? :smilie_happy:
[url= said:
Ansimp » Sun May 26, 2013 4:16 pm[/url]":1ktudtp5]
[url= said:
Buck » Mon May 27, 2013 7:06 am[/url]":1ktudtp5]
[url= said:
toytender01 » Sun May 26, 2013 2:23 pm[/url]":1ktudtp5]The real reason is so that when you get to the Motel you have the whip to go with the black leather out fit she is wearing :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:

now we dont need to hear what goes on in your kinky life.

And you ride a naked? :smilie_happy:

there is nothing kinky about feeling the wind all over.....thats called living free.

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