Greetings from the desert

Classic Goldwings

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New member
Aug 11, 2013
Reaction score
Cathedral City, CA
Hi there! This is my first post.
Greetings from the desert. kind of cool today, it's only 105F at 1:55 pm.

Just found these amazing site, and joined immediately.
My ride is a satelite blue 1984 Aspencade with about 23,000 miles only. Despite the very low mileage, I believe, the stator isn't sending enough power to the battery. It sends about 11.30 volts at 3000 rpm. How much is the normal?

I've read about poorboy's alternator conversion kit. I'm pretty handy with tools, so I'm thinking in to get one of those. Where can I get it?
I trully appreciate any tips.
Thanks a lot
yep theres a problem there ... welcome to classic ... first ck the staor wires coming from stator in the back left hand side of motor .. the wires are yellow three of them ... they connect in the left side cover ... a lot of times this is melted or black looking ... if its like glued together or just trashed cut the connector out and wire it up with wires not touching or cover them good and try volt tes again ...
Welcome! 1st things 1st. check the stator wires and connector. Check over the entire charging system it may be a very simple fix. Maybe just a bad connector or bad ground somewhere.
Old wiring, connectors and switches get problematic in these old bikes. BTW we recently found that the 1100 stator will fit in the 1200 motors.
Welcome to Classics from PA! No need to jump right into the deep end with the poor-boy conversion when you might be able to wade in slowly first. Enjoy the new ride and stay cool.
Welcome , I know Cat City pretty well..Least I did when I worked there , It`s a nice town allong with Indian Wells and P.S. I`m with the rest of the guys on the wiring..I kind of doubt it would fail that early unless the odometer has went around once, or maybe they dont do that on the 84` models.
Stay cool out there.
Welcome to the best classic Goldwings forum.


Greetings from the Sunshine State.

Live long and prosper. God bless you.
Welcome paulovilla,
Your in good company, this site is populated by knowledgeable folks willing to help.
Some of the things I learned here gave me the confidence to dig a little deeper than usual and solve problems on my own, gaining valuable experience at the same time. I am confident you will value the help here at Classic Goldwings.
I learned to ride while living in the Coachella Valley, working in Cat City commuting up Indian Ave. almost to Morongo. Without access to a car I learned and rode full time, year round in sandstorms, strong (35-45? mph) side winds, deep, loose sand and months on end of triple digit heat. Doing all of that on 1960s-70s street bike technology taught me so much that has served me well over the years. Night riding on a hot desert night is sort of magical, still miss that now and then.
Good luck with your charging system.

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