Hey Sandra Fluke! I can't afford your sex life.

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Omega Man

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Dec 3, 2009
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Sin City, Nevada
Have ya heard? Yeah Sandra Fluke is demanding $3000 a year worth of birth control from the government(that means you and me), because she can't afford it while going to Georgetown University for a Law degree on the taxpayers dime. Apparently it equals a summer jobs 3 month income...

Obama called her, and she went before some committee and explained that it's a woman's health issue.

well its a human issue when its expected to be payed for by law ....what about the rights of the ones that beleave different...if she beleaves that way its availible and leagle pay for it bitch, your choices souldnt be mandated on to others period....the blatant discrimination on men in this country is just bad or worst than the blatant discrimination on women in some muslim nations
She's just what Obummer was hunting. A mental midget female welfare baby in college due to preferential programs. :Awe:
Sad we have so many on gov handout with that mentality. :Doh2:
Rush Limbaugh had to apologize for his choice of words describing her. Accurate though they were. Why bother with college if you spend all your time in bed?