Intake and Exhaust valves replacement--WHAT PARTS?

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Feb 14, 2012
Reaction score
Marengo, Ohio
I have never been inside an engine before.

I am replacing the valves on the left side of an 1100.

Can someone give me what I need to do this replacement?

Intake valve 14711-371-000
Exhaust valve 14721-463-770

What else do I need while I am in there?

A bolt fell down the opening and tore up both valves. The piston and walls are good.

Thanks for any info.
Here is a list I found on another site.
Is it complete? Since I am only doing the left head, Do I need half of the qty he lists?

Prices are from November, 2012 at and totals right around $200.

item: 12209-MB9-003
Price: $6.23
Qty: 8

item: 12251-MG9-306
Old Sku: 12251-MG9-000
Price: $42.13
Qty: 2

O-RING (40X2.6) (Intakes)
item: 91301-371-005
Old Sku: 91301-371-003
Price: $2.70
Qty: 4

O-RING (6.5X1.5) (Oil Meter)
item: 91305-371-003
Price: $1.67
Qty: 2

O-RING (4.1X1.5) (Oil Meter)
item: 91308-371-003
Price: $2.81
Qty: 2

GASKET, CYLINDER HEAD COVER (between head and belt pully)
item: 12391-371-306
Price: $4.04
Qty: 1

GASKET, BREAKER (between head and belt pully)
item: 30376-371-306
Price: $3.29
Qty: 2

item: 18291-286-306
Price: $4.18
Qty: 4

item: 19429-371-306
Old Sku: 19429-371-000
Price: $3.71
Qty: 2

O-RING (21.9X2.3) (Water Pipe)
item: 91301-MB6-003
Price: $1.67
Qty: 4
I did that too...only bent one valve, but cracked the valve guide. Make sure yours aren't damaged...they very well might be
Yes, divide by two. I had my seats ground for $10, but that was very lucky. Might as well replace belts while they are off. Take note of the direction the oil restrictor points as you remove the head. Maybe take a good photo as I've never seen a good shot of it. Also get some gasket remover and single-edge razor blades. Gasket removal takes the longest. Torque wrench for tightening it back and moly grease for the head bolts. If water tubes come loose on removal, clean the sealing area well and grease new o-rings with silicone grease. Be careful removing exhaust. If you break a stud, be patient in removing the rest. Use a good penetrating oil and let it set for 24 hours on all but the head bolts. Don't forget to remove the small bolt at the bottom of the oil return galley (between exhaust ports).
+++ on the small bolt on the bottom of the oil return gallery. Bitter experience: if you forget that bolt and try to remove the head, you WILL crack the head and then go buy a replacement. :builder: It's thin there and cracks easily.
If you plan to keep the bike, you might want to consider doing both head gaskets to keep the "team" even. I had a gasket fail at just 52k miles on my Aspencade.

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