Just found this site and thought I'd better get in and look around a bit. I am always interested in finding out more about my machine and what other folks have found out about theirs.
I'm from Alaska, but have to admit the riding season is somewhat longer down here! We even did a first this year - rode on the first of December. I did finally garage the Wing and pull the battery tho....been plowing snow for a few days now :sensored:
If you get over this way, stop by. The summertime roads are pretty nice riding !!
I'm from Alaska, but have to admit the riding season is somewhat longer down here! We even did a first this year - rode on the first of December. I did finally garage the Wing and pull the battery tho....been plowing snow for a few days now :sensored:
If you get over this way, stop by. The summertime roads are pretty nice riding !!