New member in CO

Classic Goldwings

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New member
Apr 7, 2012
Reaction score
Delta, CO
I just moved to delta, co and am wanting to get my first bike. As my User name suggests I love to tinker so I'm thinking of getting an older Goldwing and fixing it up over time. Any help in what to look for/avoid would be appreciated. I am also on a limited budget. Looking forward to exploring this site, Micah
Welcome aboard! Not many faults to any of the flat four wings. Let us know what your search uncovers and we'll go from there.
Welcome to the CGW Forums, The_Tinker!!! :clapping: :clapping: :clapping:
Welcome tinker, from central Calif. As a point of intrest a tinker, in the old days travled around in a wagon selling tin goods (pots. and pans). He would also repair them. Using melted metal and a clay dam he would mend holes. That is where the term tinkers dam came from. :Egyptian:
yes look at them all ...the bike will speak for itself on deal and shape ...somtimes or all times my bikes always have to be work on to get up to par ...lots of oldwings that sat and need to be work on ....but the deals are better in this zone ...there are some well matain turn keys but there worth money usealy for the great care in them that make them like new :mrgreen: just depends on what you want to tackle ...good luck

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