GLDavis3639 » Thu Nov 20, 2014 2:35 pm[/url]":3pxc2p1l]
New Member to this Forum. I bought a 1987 GL1200A - thought I would just ride it until it was too cold and do repairs and upgrades along the way. Nope, second day it turned into a lemon. I have been working on it ever since - a lot I could say, but I love to work on them almost as much as to ride them - but this is an expensive hobby.
Thanks for all the good advice here and glad to see so many folks here from Oklahoma. I am in Southeast OKC/Moore and working under an open carport - anybody want to come by and give me a hand - GLDavis3639 -
[email protected]
I am currently doing some soldering and rewiring and redo on the timing belts. Already rebuilt the starter, put in a drive shaft and changed oil, flushed and flushed and then changed the coolant - and then oil again and that is about it. Gas tank has no rust, but lots of hoses with some rot problem - I have finally gotten the manual from Amazon - not buying anything from them again.
Hasn't run enough to be sure what I got. More as I discover what I have ahead of me.