[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=209259#p209259:c6p8yz68 said:chilidawg » Sat Apr 13, 2019 12:24 am[/url]":c6p8yz68]
How's this then? I give you $100 for that front fender. And of course I have numerous reasons for doing so, and they are... :fishin:
1, You can tell your significant other that you got the bike for free. :good:
2, It doesn't from the photo's, seem to match the bike, seems to be more black than brown, which could be considered an enormous fashion faux pas, right there! :nea:
3, If it is more black than brown, it'll match my bike to a tee. What more could you want?.. arty:
PM me!
Sadly, the front fender is brown, so it wouldn't match the rest of your bike at all... In addition, over the weekend, I got the bike running. It was only running on the right side, so I swapped out the carb rack and now it's running on all 4. arty: