My daily commute involves a lot of stop and go traffic and then a slow ride up to the 8'th level of a parking garage. On hot days because of the slow speed in the parking garage my fan usually comes on and stays on as I park the bike. It bothers me to shut down the bike with the fan on because of the heat so I typically let the bike idle until the fan shuts off. It doesn't take much more then a minute before the fan turns off however during that time it pulls the battery down below 12 volts. I have a good battery and have soldered the stator wires. So then I let it idle a bit more to get my voltage up above 12 again. I think I'm probably being over cautious with this routine so I'm wondering what others would do? Is shutting down a hot bike with the fan running worse then letting it sit a bit so that the fan can do it's job? Any advice would be appreciated.Thanks.