radiator pinhole

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Dec 13, 2013
Reaction score
oceanside, ca
Any recommendations for a radiator sealer for a pinhole leak in core?
I can't buy, or recore right now.
I have used alumaseal in cars with good luck but am concerned about possible pump issues with sealer.
Alumaseal all the way. I would never bother or take a chance with any other type of sealer.
Been using it for many many years with no bad effects.
It sealed a leak in my 1100 radiator a few years ago. I used 1/2 the tube.
Ive drained and refilled this radiator many times after that first seal with only coolant and water and the leak is still sealed.

https://shop.advanceautoparts.com/p/alum ... /7120024-P

Stay far far away from the sealer that comes in a bottle, part liquid and has beads that look like rat turds.
That stuff will plug the radiator.
Bars leak was designed for larger core sized radiators and dealing heads and blocks... .. not the small opening cycle radiators.. go with alumaseal especially with a small leak.. if you are good and steady the micro torch and silver side will work.. but gotta be careful with heat and the tubing... radiators will need to be drained so.you are heading the tube and not water...
I've tried bars leak several times and it has never worked for me. For sealers I'd use alumaseal too. There used to be a sealer like it but copper colored that worked great. But I haven't found any in years.
Re: Alumiseal, does that product coat the entire cooling system on the inside? When I sold my 1100, the guy checking out my bike for the new owner said he was putting a new engine in a 1100 that had been ruined with that product.
If left in it may. Instructions say to flush the system after it's sealed and refill with fresh coolant. Most however put it in and once it seals call it good and forget it. Leaving it in there to bond where it will.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=115395#p115395:i2l4h4jz said:
dan filipi » Sat Apr 19, 2014 12:48 pm[/url]":i2l4h4jz]
I've never had a problem leaving it in myself.
I never have in cars either. And I'm guilty of calling it good and leaving it. But the bike coolant system passages are smaller so I don't recommend leaving the extra sealer in there regardless of which kind is used.

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