Rear brakes, Oh my gosh

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Reseda, Ca.
Oh my gosh guy's I could have been killed, I was out riding today and I felt the Rear brake make a thumping sound when applied I felt it and heard a clicking thump...Got home and took the plastic saddlebag thingy off, this is when My face went into a major frown.. :doh: you know that little cotter pin that holds that nut on at the arm to caliper connection, GONE, Bushing, GONE, Bolt Gone. :shock: .If it weren't for my saddlebag frame I, would be gone. :fiddle: ..What I should have done was replace the little cotter pin, but noooo.. :rant: . So what to do...Hummm for now I made a bushing of my own, and put in a new bolt and nut and cotter pin made so it won't ever come off like that again, the bushing is simple, I took and found a socket[8mm] to fit the hole good, drilled through it for the bolt size and I had to cut the length off with my dremel, once I ran the bolt thru, I put a nut on it and made a mark for my cotter pin on the outside of the nut... It won't ever do that again.. This will hold until I can find the right parts to replace them...How's that for a trick... :smilie_happy: If anyone has these parts laying around I will pay ya for them...
Oh :sensored: ! That was close :heat: Glad you and the bike are still operational. I better have a look at mine now.
...I know exactly how you feel....i found mine coming out last week was making a weird nosie back there......lost the nut, washer, cotter pin.....and the bolt was barley hanging in the backside when i took mine apart...i don't like that awful noise either :beg: ..let me get home again....

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