Rear wheel inner fender removal?

Classic Goldwings

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You just pull it straight out a little hard, be sure when placing it back in they go into the sleeves proper, that's if the 82 is like the 81 I'm sure it is..
Chas I got the diabete's man ,,,that sucks no more Taco's for me..shhhhheeeeeet they said a normal persons blood sugar is 99 and mine was 305 oh my :shock: :shock: ...Now I gotta eat rabbit food, :shock: , all grud. :crying: .don't feel sorry for me I did it to myself, :doh: I was warned and didn't mind. :swoon: ...All what I say..really sucks man. :oops: .I remember my bike didin't even have that plastic fender part when I got it, he had a 79 steel fender in place for street riding..Heck I didn't know better until I got the stock fender and I said hey, what goes here in this great big I had to order a plastic fender off ebay.. Ebay has been a great source for parts for me.. This is my Dr. :rant: :hihihi:
OK, I got it out after getting the rear tire out. Also, mission accomplished, fuel tank is out! What a tight fit!!! Hope it goes back in!

Chas, my bike looks a lot like yours!

Your 83 and mine are pretty similar! Mine has a little more bling and lights though! LOL! It has a velour seat also, vs leather!

I have never ridden a bike this big, I hope it's as nice as I have been reading about. I have my work cut out for me though. Carbs a really gummed up, gas tank has a little rust/scale in it, and it hasn't run in 15+ yrs from what I can tell from the maintenence records. It had a new front tire put on at 68k, 1994, odometer now show 73k. I got it to crank over after getting a different starter. Seems to have compression and spark.
Tomorrow's mission, check swing arm bushings and change rear drive oil.

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