You're making me curious why you think that. Before you respond, here is a little more evidence. I jacked up the front wheel and gave the front a good wiggle...nothing, not loose. So i grabbed with two hands and pushed and pulled real hard. I was worried about knocking it off the centerstand, that recreated the small clunk. Not with every pull, but enough to tell me i found the problem. I still don't know if its wear or just loose, but since the new bearings are here, I'll put them in and try to figure out if they are worn or were just loose.
So why do you think it is brake related? I don't have any symptons to tie it to brakes yet, except that the act of braking was revealing the clunk.
Didn't start the work yet, still trying to move life to the side a little to make room to work.
So why do you think it is brake related? I don't have any symptons to tie it to brakes yet, except that the act of braking was revealing the clunk.
Didn't start the work yet, still trying to move life to the side a little to make room to work.