Signal light sound?

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Supporting Member
Apr 15, 2011
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Inverary, Ontario
How is the signal light click sound made on these bikes? Usually mine makes a clear click sound that is synced the with the flashing of the indicator lights on the insturment display. But sometimes the clear click is replaced with a high pitched squeal that all but downs out the click sound. The indicator light still shows that the light is flashing. The squeal usually disappears after 3 or 4 flashes. I was thinking that this might be some sort of blown bulb warning but its not as all my light are working during these squeal events. Its not a huge issue but i was curious if anyone has this happen.
That sound is an indicator your flasher is more than likely going bad. Next thing it will do is blink slowly and then just stay on. Sometimes this happens because of loose connections at the lamps.
What you hear is a 30 year old signal beaper that clicks when it tries to work and squeals when it sort of works. Many disconnect and remove the beaper.
Are you sure it isn't the warning squeal that comes on above 40 MPH to tell you that you forgot to turn off the turn signal after a turn? Works the other way as well if you turn the turn signal on before you have decelerated below 40 MPH.
I'm not aware of any such speed related signal. I have an 80 & 81. Neither has such when I have signalled at highway speeds for lane changes or off ramps. Although at speed the charging system is at full output which may just boost voltage enough for the weak old beaper to actually be heard.
All of the 80 and 81's at least, came with this feature. It is supposed to be a loud buzz but being 30 years old, mine sounds more like a squeal. It is very useful and has alerted me several times that I forgot to turn the signal off.
I bet if Jcol checks close he will find that it goes off at the same speed every time. If it's a Canadian bike it is probably at some KPH number.
Yours was probably disconnected. I can see where some people might find it obnoxious.
Page 18-18 of the service manual diagrams it.
Thanks for the replies. I dont think its related to speed as it seems to occur at random times. It also always happens when the signal is first turned on so it doesnt appear to be a reminder. I will try leaving my signal on next time im out. If it starts out normal which it does 90% of the time it will be interesting to see if the sound changes after it has been left on. If it changes to the same sound then i guess this would show that the reminder sound is sometimes coming on too early.
Yea, Jcol, probably several things that could go bad to cause the buzzer to go off when it shouldn't. Speed sensor or short or something. I personally haven't ever seen a flasher go bad and make a noise loud enough to be called a squeal. I wish I had self-cancelling turn signals.
I have read in the service manuals that mine is supposed to have some kind of turn sig reminder thingy(other than the lights blinking), but have never heard anything other than the click-click of the flasher. I have often wondered if it was an option, or if mine just didn't work. If the warning/reminder uses a buzzer, then a high pitched squeal is certainly an indication that the buzzer itself is buzzed out. :builder:
The flasher relay is a mechanical switch with moving parts. It makes a soft "click-click" sound when its working, which is anytime a turn signal is on. That may be the click sound you hear.

The squeal is a signal buzzer when is also active anytime a turn signal is on, making a "beep-beep" sound. If I remember correctly, it is wired into the circuit after the relay along with the lights. Anytime the relay sends power to the light it also sends it to the buzzer. Older ones can degrade to a sickly squeal sound before their eventual demise, as it did on my 81. Mine actually sounded like I was running over kittens anytime I was turning.

Once the buzzer is dead you'll only hear your relay working, which is normal.
cmonSTART":29ay965q said:
...Mine actually sounded like I was running over kittens anytime I was turning.

:smilie_happy: Yeah...suuuure....."No really...Honestly....I didn't realize I was running over the kittens...I thought it was my turn signal buzzer making that noise..." :blush:

:smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
Just as an update the sound I am hearing and orginally posted about is a speed indicator/warning. I originally thought it was random but it definately is tied to the speed of the bike. From 0 to 40 mph normal click sound. Above 40 mph you get a high pitched and louder sqeal sound. Its actually handy when coming off a freeway ramp as you will get the transion from squeal to normal click as your speed drops below 40 mph. Thanks to Piper15T who pointed this feature out.
I recently came across an 83 Aspencade that I liked a lot so I bought it and sold my 81 and now have the self cancelling turn signals and no longer have the speed warning buzzer. I kind of miss it but the self cancelling turn signals are nice. The larger round oil level sight glass is a plus too.

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