My speedometer stopped working on Friday so I pulled it off the bike and the cable is broke. Assuming there would not be one at the dealer I did an eBay search and found several available for around $20 plus $12 to $15 shipping via USPS to Canada. I almost ordered one on Saturday morning however since I was driving by my Honda dealer anyway I stopped in and asked if a speedo cable was available and if so how much. He did not have one in stock but he indicated that they were available from Honda and I could have it by Tuesday. When I asked about the price I couldn't believe it,,, $13.95. I asked him if that price was correct and for a second he thought I was complaining that it was too much. I just assumed that it would be $50 or $75,, not $13.95. When I told him that he said that the cable was a common part used on many bikes. I guess that explains why it is available. I went ahead and had him order me the cable. Should be in Tuesday. Assuming this cable is correct when I get it I guess it shows that it is sometimes worth it to check with the dealer before assuming it will be cheaper on eBay.