Starter troubles

Classic Goldwings

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May 6, 2011
Reaction score
Happy, Tx.
I have a 1981 wing gl1100. The old starter quit and I replaced it with a new one, also a new relay. Still won't start, I'm sure the battery is good and its getting elect. to the starter terminal and it sounds like it tries to spin, but doesn't. I took the starter switch apart and cleaned it and shorted across the contacts but get the same noise, also shorted across the relay with the same result. I'm gonna hook up and try jumping with a car battery later. Does anyone have any suggestions??
go to the old starter and seeif itsgood first ...if it turns with a battery booster or something jumping it then you know its else where on the bike that the problem is could be weak main fuse . ground a lot of thiings....if your going to junmp the new starter then jump it at the starter if jumping the battery dosent work sould tell you that the starter is never know with china involve in everything made now :mrgreen:

dont grind on it just check with the kill switch on :mrgreen:
I took the new starter and the old starter and jumped both with the car battery, the old one doesn't do anything and the new one turn right over. They were both off the engine.
So Problrm is not starter still check the bat and its connections... some times corrosion gets under toe bat term and causes problens.. eliminate the starter selinoide by jumping from the + on bat to post of start ( with kill sw in off pos.)
It is not recommended to jump start these bikes from a car battery unless it is not connected to a car or the car is not running. The output from a car alternator can fry some of the components in the ignition system.

If the starter runs outside the bike, I would pull the plugs and try turning the engine over with the stator bolt (left side rear of engine under a plug, 12mm socket). If the engine moves freely than I would give the starter solenoid a good whack with a hammer and try again. (Actually works sometimes!)
I did as you suggested and removed the plugs and turn the enging by hand, and then I tried it again and low and behold it turned over. Thanks to everyone for all the sound advice.

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