I noticed this yesterday...forgot to mention it, and it's back today.
It sounds like an intermittent flutter when the engine is revved up, but stops the very moment one pushes forward on the gas. Sometimes I think I can hear it while cruising. I can hear it sometimes over the radio at a light. A flutter sound that has a "shush, shush" quality like a stuck front brake pad, it's NOT the brakes though the sound is tied to the engine somehow. I'm pretty sure the sound wasn't there when I warmed her up this a.m.(29F), 99% sure anyway. I'll bring a little note book and write this stuff down tomorrow, I know I'm not communicating well here.
It sounds like an intermittent flutter when the engine is revved up, but stops the very moment one pushes forward on the gas. Sometimes I think I can hear it while cruising. I can hear it sometimes over the radio at a light. A flutter sound that has a "shush, shush" quality like a stuck front brake pad, it's NOT the brakes though the sound is tied to the engine somehow. I'm pretty sure the sound wasn't there when I warmed her up this a.m.(29F), 99% sure anyway. I'll bring a little note book and write this stuff down tomorrow, I know I'm not communicating well here.