:shock: $33 EACH?!?!? Yimminy crickets!!!
Mine were like, $3 each! Genuine, Honda seals, in Honda packages. Wow...someone's making some dough!! :nea:
By all means, check out the way I did my rear shocks. MUCH less messier than using air pressure....trust me!(and safer, too)
If you're just replacing the seals, it's not too bad of a job, really. I changed the springs out, also, so that took a little longer. Mine are still working great, and no leaks!
One thing I don't think I ever mentioned in my "tutorial"...the actual shocks have holes in them at the tops. This is where the oil in the assy gets into the shocks. Before I did mine, I thought the shocks were sealed units, just like an automotive shock, and the oil in the air chamber was just an added cushion for the air suspension part. I found out the hard way that with the complete assembly torn down, you really do NOT want to push the shock stem down into the shock housing, and then pull Up on it...

oh2: :head bang: Yeah...I took a bath in that nasty stuff! :blush: :sensored: