So been back to the bike today and tried to figure out where the circlip is on the swinging arm. Please be patient, the wheel or dif end, is/was full of grease, it took me nearly 20 minutes to clear it of the packed grease. So I can see one circlip as I look in the shaft, it took me another 20 minutes just to clean out the grease in the dif assembly, I haven't drained the dif of any oil as yet. At the engine end where the universal joint is I can't see a circlip on the engine side is there one on the dif side of the CV joint. It is so full of grease in there I am at a loss to see. My manual doesn't say but infers that there is a circlip on the engine side of the CV joint. I see the splines and the CV but not the circlip. So my question is at the engine side of the drive shaft, do I need a 90 deg circlip pliers? Has anyone done a write up on this. The clip at the wheel end is about 2.5" inside the shaft housing, so straight but long pliers will be needed.