w00h00! I'm back from vegaswingnut's and WOW! what a difference! Throttle response is perfect, she starts quicker, and 70 on the freeway never felt soooooo sweet(remember I never liked going over 55).
In this first video we show you the initial readings. After we videoed this part we found the lock nut on #1 about 1.5 turns loose. :roll:
This is after syncing 1 and 3, pardon the tongue tied narrative. :roll:
After syncing 2 and 4, now we're getting somewhere.
Here we're trying to get both banks synced, it aint easy. :roll:
Here are the last readings after getting things locked down the best we could. :rocks:
And here we are having come full circle. :Egyptian:
I want to thank George(vegaswingnut) and Dan for all their help getting old girlfriend synced. I just realized I said "we" alot in this post...I pretty much just unscrewed things with no moving parts. :smilie_happy: