Old Girlfriend on YouTube...(carb sync)

Classic Goldwings

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Randy, with your carbs out of sync like that, it really speaks to that knock you posted about in the other thread. Aside from thinning oil in the heat, if the carbs are out of sync like that and the egine is running warm 105 F ambient) it will cause the gas to ignite slightly early.
w00h00! I'm back from vegaswingnut's and WOW! what a difference! Throttle response is perfect, she starts quicker, and 70 on the freeway never felt soooooo sweet(remember I never liked going over 55).

In this first video we show you the initial readings. After we videoed this part we found the lock nut on #1 about 1.5 turns loose. :roll:

This is after syncing 1 and 3, pardon the tongue tied narrative. :roll:

After syncing 2 and 4, now we're getting somewhere.

Here we're trying to get both banks synced, it aint easy. :roll:

Here are the last readings after getting things locked down the best we could. :rocks:

And here we are having come full circle. :Egyptian:

I want to thank George(vegaswingnut) and Dan for all their help getting old girlfriend synced. I just realized I said "we" alot in this post...I pretty much just unscrewed things with no moving parts. :smilie_happy:


There's a night and day difference before and after how she sounds. Almost all of that bangin around noise is gone.

The way your rpm's drop right back to idle after snapping the throttle is proof it's in sync.
When out of sync the tach will be lazy coming back to rest at idle, kinda floats..........just like it did in the before in fact.

Way to go guy's :rocks:

Your comparison vids along the path to syncronization help understand the process, I'll be copying these vids to the server and posting in the Video Tutorials forum :thank_you:

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