77 wing for sale

Classic Goldwings

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Jan 29, 2018
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77 wing for sale. Pretty beat up lots of rust and dirt,fairing junk.all plastic is in tough cond. an engine frozen up. I tried to kick it over and with all my weight on the lever it would not move. I originaly offered $200 but changed my mind. I'm thinking $100 for parts. Good idea or pass?
Well could be ok at either price I’d say ..everything is a gamble ..but this isn’t to costly ....its for sure ...heads taken off to see and clean up to get it unfrozen ...I’d say there a good 60-40 chance motor will be fine if heads removed and cleaned up right ...if I had the money I’d gamble on that if I were you
That bike sounds in real bad shape.
Frozen could be unstuck if it’s just rings stuck, could also be rusted bad internally.
I just recycled an 1100 motor because it was rusted bad inside, and this engine ran.

Consider the cost to bring it road worthy, that adds up fast. Sight unseen it’s hard to tell for sure but “a lot of rust” would probably be enough of a reason for me to pass on it.
Not for the road just parts. I already have a stock 75 wing. I may still go for it,not sure.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=201684#p201684:2lefnuxp said:
bikerart » 5 minutes ago[/url]":2lefnuxp]
Not for the road just parts. I already have a stock 75 wing. I may still go for it,not sure.
For parts may be worth it. I’d offer $100
I just gave a ‘77& a ‘78 away. They’re just not worth much not running. That said, if you do E-Bay, you could make some money selling they parts you don’t want. There’s also some used part dealers that’ll pay about that for complete, dead Wings.
I don’t think you’d be making a big mistake. Worse case, you’ll end up with ten bikes and start giving them away!!!

(like me)

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The fact that you can't kick the motor is what would worry me... $100 wouldn't be a bad investment as you will get that money back depending on what parts it has and what you sell.
Passed on it. He relisted it on craigslist for $200 an I think it finally sold. Probably for around $100. Just seemed like too much work for little gain.
planing on selling my 75 wing at the end of May. Going to ask $3300


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