85LTD short battery life

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[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=109908#p109908:38tb14nc said:
dan filipi » Tue Feb 11, 2014 1:54 pm[/url]":38tb14nc]
This is the first I've heard having to fill an agm.
My understanding is they are 'prefilled' and the electrolyte is absorbed into the glass matt, in a sense making it a 'dry' cell battery.

Is your battery clear to see fluid level and does it use a vent hose?

No. It is a maintenance free battery.
I think it's the same hardware as "Motocross" brand battery. They are both manufactured at Yuasa's PA factory. Motocross came prefilled but Yuasa didn't.

DSCN5221 (2).JPG

DSCN5222 (2).JPG

DSCN5223 (2).JPG

That black container cap becomes battery cap.
[url=https://www.classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=109911#p109911:n8ouiv47 said:
Omega Man » Tue Feb 11, 2014 2:00 pm[/url]":n8ouiv47]
Yeah me too, my AGM came filled, permanently sealed and with a full charge.


Yuasa's instruction.

1) fill it and put the semi-permanent caps
2) wait at least half an hour
3) charge it with 2 Amp for 5~10 hours
I don't know what is happening but AGM batteries are not accessible to the fluid or the cells
My battery is just a regular run of the mill one, has the vent hose. Took about 13 hours to show a full charge with the 1.5 trickle. Been too cold to check more with the charging system. Definitely alot of grounds to check on.
One of the pics I posted shows a plug on the right side with 2 wires plugged in. It has a space for another wire. Am I missing one? It would be great to find someone around thw Wake Forest/Raleigh area that knows all the ins and outs of these beasts. Thank goodness for all the knowledge here. Thanks
took about 13 hours to show a full charge. Took off the charger, started the ole girl up. Stinky smoke all the time. Let her warm up. Idling too hight at 1600. Turned down to about 980. Multimeter on DC 20. Running across the post at 12.1. each yellow wire reading 6.2. Voltmeter on dash idle 12.1, at 3000 RPM raises to 13.3, no higher, all lights off.
Any thoughts what to check next? It still seems like some low readings but the 6.2 at each yellow wire seems high, reflecting on a Steve Saunder's video on youtube that said it should be around 4. Could the R/R cause these probs?
hmmmmm id say the stator seems fine so far ...seems like mine would register 5.something ... id sat its time to test ride ride it or at least load it down with all it has lights radio what ever and keep checking the battery post ..under load it should register higher above 13volts and hopefully more but for sure not below 13volts .....
at this point to me its looking like if there is a problem it looking like a corroded connection or something ... connectins go bad just like units of purpose do...certainly its always a bad connection or resistance that leads to failed units or components ... if it wer me id clean every square inch of that bike to get and know everything about it ..you be amazed how this can lead you to a problem unseen
Your voltage is indicating a possible poor connection. Be sure all connections from the battery to the starter and frame are clean and tight. Also, pull the connector out of the RR and be sure it is clean and when you put it back in, be absolutely sure it snaps all the way in. It is not uncommon for this connector to the source or low charging.
Thanks, I will definitely check the R/R. Had a long talk to neoracer on that issue. By popular opinion, that connector would be suspect. The amount of wiring and connections to check is a daunting task but one step at a time and soon to be off and running.
These forums are great. Such a wealth of knowledge.

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