90 degree valve stem filler adapter.

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 8, 2009
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Dallas, TX
Hey all saw a reference to a 90 fill valve adapter... think it was on here in a posting on something else slightly related... it was brass and had a screw knob on the 90 degree side and threaded on the long side.. any one remeber or have a picture... people look at me crazy like when I ask about them... thanks
If you mean for the tire valve stem I picked up one at a local RV place. When I replaced my rear tire I took the rear wheel in and I wanted a 45 degree stem and they put a straight one in and I didn't notice till the wheel was back on. The shop said if I brought the the wheel in they would replace the stem, I didn't want to pull the wheel so I just got the 90 degree extension it makes it a lot easier to inflate.
Here are some on Amazon https://www.amazon.com/Pacific-Dualies-1 ... 798&sr=1-1


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