A word game

Classic Goldwings

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Temps here are STILL too dang hot to enjoy riding, even at night. :heat: :heat: :heat: Last nite at 9pm it was STILL 96 degrees, after a high of 106! It was 85 this morning at 7am! I think the wiring in my fairing is melting from the heaT!!!
Scorchin hot here....I think I got sunburned on my lips Friday on the way home. :heat: :rant: Got stuck for about 30 minutes in a dang back-up w/traffic accidenT
Looked around this morning and found my "Mister" bottles. These are bottles you put water in, pump up, and they spray a fine mist of cool wetness. I used one in front of a fan at work...kept me mooch cooler. I then put one around my waist, and clipped the sprayer end to my shirt for the ride home in the 110 deg. heat. Sure kept my face nice and cool on the way home todaY!!!
Yep! That was all I had for coolness in cars when I was younger.

Worked pretty well when I had more tolerance for heat but now I'm thankful for crankin cold air conditioninG.
Gosh when i were young, now what was i saying??? Oh yes, when i was young darn I can,t remember....any way when I was younger we had those cooler fan tubes that hung out the window , you loded Ice in them and a fan blew air across the ice and into the car. And yes we also hung a canves bag on the bumper for cold canves tasting water....At least I think I remember that or did i see that in a movie????? :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy: :smilie_happy:
:Egyptian: :Egyptian: :Egyptian: :popcorn: :popcorn: :popcorn:
Yumpin Yimminy! :rant: I would kill...KEEEEEL, I tell you, for some rain right now!!! 109 temps today, with heat index up to 115!!! :heat:
Rules, rules , rules someone has to get this thread back on track. :smilie_happy: plus I see our fearless leader is never happy with the weather. :smilie_happy:

dan filipi":3c5ng4ey said:
Here's the rules.

I make a sentence then you START a new sentence with the last letter of the word in my sentence trying to keep it motorcycle related.

Lets see how long we can make this last.

Too damn cold to ride the GoldwinG

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