Been a strange life

Classic Goldwings

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Jun 12, 2010
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eastern Ohio
When I was a kid in gradescrewel I was taught that the world was cooling and we should prepare for the coming ice age. I was taught that oil was decomposed matter from back when dinosaurs lived. The stuff was supposed to be limited and we'd run out of oil by the year 2000. Local paper recently said we are facing a glut of oil. How is this possible? Perhaps the original science was right. After the dinosaurs pretty much everything has died and decayed too. Seems to me the oil field is much like a forest. Chop it all down and walk away. 20 years later you find the forest has regrown.
We then had a few mild winters and suddenly we are being warned of global warming. By the same geniuses that were predicting the next ice age was imminent. The same one's who can't predict what weather will be next week. Can't predict a tornado 15 minutes in advance. Now it's man made global climate change. Okay so I'm to believe I've somehow accidentally affected the weather when I'm unable to do it on purpose? Then there's the pollution crap and carbon footprint. When I was kid air pollution here was measured in tons per acre. The Ohio river was toxic enough to strip the paint off of the boats. We cut back on production of the pollution and miraculously the air and water cleared. One belch of a volcano dumps more pollutants and toxic gas in the air than all of mankind together can. Yet this is still a vibrant beautiful planet.
co2 is supposed to a bad greenhouse gas. Yet the plants all need as much as they can get and grow wonderfully. Why are folks so bent on replacing truth with lies and fear? Mass shakedown to get in everyone's wallets is my guess. Or maybe they just fear the light? A little thought on these issues really does cast them in doubt. Why so many choose to believe the lies is a mystery to me.
I'll never forget how "they" terrorized me as a child with warnings that the Killer Bees were coming and how they were going to get us all if something wasn't done.

And don't forget the hole in the Ozone Layer. :roll:

[url= said:
Omega Man » Sat Feb 28, 2015 8:11 pm[/url]":2n282c2k]
I'll never forget how "they" terrorized me as a child with warnings that the Killer Bees were coming and how they were going to get us all if something wasn't done.

And don't forget the hole in the Ozone Layer. :roll:

Both of which never really came to pass. The hole in the ozone they've found opens and closes over time.
Then there's the warning we are using too much of the planets resources. Yet we haven't ran out of anything yet.
Well it seems it's all about the money, global warming = carbon credits. Getting caught lying about data changes nothing, get busted calling in Global warming start calling it climate change.

I'm still waiting on the flying cars.... :whistling:
Science is what it is....and then some folks just don't want to believe anything. We could use a little global warming around here....we've been covered in ice all week. And that brings up the talk about the "new ice age". Well...which is it? It's either getting hotter, or it's getting colder.....make up yer danged mind, will ya?
There are only TWO certainties in life, and ya'll know what they are...death, and taxes.... :BigGrin:
I read these posts about global warming....
As I understand it it doesn't mean it's getting warmer where you are, that is a mis conception, it means global warming IS causing a climate change.

Anyway, it's all about money someone is trying to make over it.
I don't believe it's anything else. Same with the other stuff V posted about for the most part.
I agree that, for the most part, it's about money and politics. Some good has come out of it least the air and water are much cleaner now. Agree or disagree with the EPA, it's sure nice to be able to breathe here in LA. I used to wipe my windshield in the morning and the cloth would be black! I'd have to flush my ears out, and it was black! Blow your nose - black! That's all gone now. It sucks that some are profiting from it, but I'm glad to be living in a cleaner environment.

As for climate change, I don't agree with either extreme. It's not catastrophic, but it is happening. We're not causing it, but we're adding to it. Ships were able to navigate through the Arctic last summer, and last year was the warmest - on average - ever recorded. Something's going on, but is it permanent, or getting worse? Nobody knows, but there are plenty who will say they do.

We are the Earth. Every atom that makes up our body is from the Earth. I believe she deserves a little respect, consideration, and gratitude. Just my humble opinion...

I remember one year we drove down from the Bay Area to LA to go to Disneyland I was about 6 or 7. We got in late as planned and mom and my brother and I stay with friends over night. The next day we spent the whole day at that residence because it was super foggy outside I couldn't see a thing from the windows not even the sidewalk. Well it wasn't fog it was smog, smog so bad they put out a health alert and I don't think we even went to Disneyland that year I think mom drove us home that night.

[url= said:
dan filipi » Sat Feb 28, 2015 10:29 pm[/url]":a1053x8x]
I read these posts about global warming....
As I understand it it doesn't mean it's getting warmer where you are, that is a mis conception, it means global warming IS causing a climate change.

Anyway, it's all about money someone is trying to make over it.
I don't believe it's anything else. Same with the other stuff V posted about for the most part.
Hasn't the planet been warming since the last ice age? We've recorded weather records that are fairly accurate for maybe the last 50 years. We have incomplete weather reports in some volume going back maybe another 50 years. Beyond that we have pure conjecture. Oh and an ex Vice President who declared the earth has a fever. Who invented the internet by the way. :smilie_happy:
kinda hate to say it, but I would be guessing the last two winters are more like "normal", unfortunately. I have pictures of vehicles driving out to the Manitou islands (in lake mi.) in the twenties......... apparently it was a norm.
You mix in some bull with some truth and it is hard to believe anything. From what I can gather is that limiting C02`s is a bogus money grab as with carbon credits, just another way to create money out of thin air. I also have heard that if not for global warming we would be closer to an ice age but the warming is counter acting the effects, again..who is right. I know our data of the earth is limited so how much is natural and how much can the earth repair on its own?
I do know the US is among the cleanest countries on the planet since we have regulated so much of everything, sure not perfect but we really dont contribute to climate change like Africa,Middle east,India,China,Russia,Vietnam,Cambodia, some east European countries do. I think we are starving ourselves to counter what others are doing to the climate and that aint right.
I watched a special called carbon crooks, they stole millions in carbon credits out of the EU., still out there and no way to trace them since they are now in circulation among legitimate companies, It seems organized crime has found another mark in Carbon credits.
I find it extremely hard to believe we have had any real impact on anything let alone the weather. If scientists really can predict the weather 100 years from now why can't they tell us for sure what it will be in two weeks? What was the warmest day in florida in the year 1501? Anywhere in florida. The last 100 years of information is not enough to hazard a decent guess. Some years are warm enough in winter we still have a surplus of salt by spring. Other years we run out months before the snow stops. If the science is so accurate why can't they predict how many days of snow and how much snowfall will happen over one winter? It's only a few months.
On a different front. Children. School is about to end for the summer. So the poor widdle kids won't be getting fed in school. They are already organizing some kind of summer lunch for kids.
Now in a day when parents are said to be abusing children for denying them toys. Why is it not abuse to deny them ice cream?
Child support goes from pocket change to millions depending on the income of the non custodial parent. So just how much DOES it cost to raise a child?
Historically families have survived very lean times throughout the centuries.
In what is arguably the richest country on the planet why are so many deemed in poverty? Poverty is simply a comparative level really.

Just a few more points for discussion.
Our poor is the envy of the world..Go into any poor neighborhood or housing project and count how many newer cars are parked, look at the shoes and clothes the so called poor are wearing, smart phones and satellite/cable everywhere.
There are actual poor out there but the vast majority of the people getting it are classified as poor by state in order to bring more federal funds into the state, the feds then pull more money from taxpayers to fund ever growing programs.
Really in most other country they would be middle class.
It is a money/power grab by the ever increasing power/money hungry federal government.