carb rack removal

Classic Goldwings

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Mar 30, 2012
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having a clearance trouble, can't get them out,, clymer says to take to screws out of the air cut off? and set it aside,,, .. (only thing on that i haven't done/figured out) tried taking the two screws out of the top cover on the carbs,,, no way,, lucky if in the bench they come loose.. I do not have the false tank off,, don't really know how,, apparently they come out the left side because the throttle , idk,, where u take the cable's off ,, would hit the gas tank,, so now i have more stuff apart for clearance on the left side,, but,, it dont look good,, obviously they come out sumhow
Take the throttle and choke cables off. Loosen the intake horn clamps and turn them sideways. Yes they will come out the left side with a bit of wiggling and biting your tongue just right. A few choice words probably will be heard but it will come out. You do have the air filter box assembly removed right?
air intake,, two bolts out,,, bottom piece of plastic still in there,, moves up and down,, figured it's not really hurt'n .. have to look at the horns,, yes,, it does seem like if it was a lil further forward it would help,, try that,, the big engine mount bracket,,, hmmm seems like that's in the way,, i'll go look at the horns ,, thanx
You're really going to have to get the right side vacuum chambers off before you'll have enough clearance for removal.
I'm unclear what you mean by "plastic intake piece", but the entire air filter assembly must move out to get access to the pull throttle cable adjuster, to loosen it off and gain enough free play to remove the cables.

Honestly, I found the cables the hardest part.

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