Well riding season is starting up here in Ontario and I had my first long ride of the season on Sunday. All went well. A friend of mine who is just getting into riding joined me. He rides a 750, 1998 Honda Shadow. It is a very nice bike and after our ride he offered to let me take his for a test drive which I did. I was very impressed by the bike and would gladly take one as a second ride if someone offered. Of course it's very different from the Gold Wing but I could tell it would be a lot of fun,, perhaps too much. Anyway the brakes on this bike were much better then the brakes on my Wing. A very light pull in the front brake handle with only my middle finger would easily nearly lock the front wheel. The back brake also had a much more instantious yet controlled feel about it. It makes me wonder if I should go back and work some more on my brakes or if it's just a newer and lighter bike so it isn't a fair comparison. I have been through the brakes on my Wing a few times and I have good pads, rotors and both master cylinders have been rebuilt. I did see a very good post here about the need to get air out of the caliper as well as the brake lines so I think I will give that method a try but short of that is it reasonable to compare the Wings brakes with the Shadow's? Don't want to be trying to improve something that just won't get any better. Thanks.