Dodge coils

Classic Goldwings

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Well-known member
Sep 15, 2014
Reaction score
Longview, WA
I've read through some of the topics here about changing coils but they all talk about the GL 1100, does anyone know if this conversion work with the 1000, and if so what plug wires do you use? Can this be used with th he points set up or do you have to have electronic ignition? Will 1 dodge coil work for all 4 plugs, or do I need 2? Thanks for your help.
ok ...i dont know at all cause i havnt ever tried this ... but it seems to be not tht good and info is never complete enough to see if it actually works good ... i certainly heard well that 1000s were having trouble with this mod ... all hear say so i dont think im any better inform than you are
I'm pretty sure I have at least 1 weak coil from the symptoms I've heard described, stuttering after the engine warms up, doesn't want to take off very well from a stop ect. I've ordered new points and condenser and will get new caps and another set of plugs in a couple weeks when payday comes again, are there new coils that anyone would suggest? A decent set for a decent price, while I don't like to skimp, I'm not exactly rollin' in the dough, I'd have a C5 if that were the case...[emoji6]
go to hondaman .com ... not sure he sales coils ..but he knows more than anyone i know of about the old points systems on hondas ... check out the products ..all of them ..good stuff ...
I have just started the conversion of my 1100 coils to coils to off a 1500. I have the 1500 coils set up but won't know the end result until April or so because I live in Wisconsin. I did look into the neon coils and the 1500 coil swap looked easier and look like the originals. Got the 1500 coils off eBay for $22 delivered. You might want to look into this method before you pick a direction. What year is your bike? Ever have any problem with the CDI boxes? Hope this helps you get your bike running.
I've got a '78 oldwing, don't know anything about cdi boxes. I am thinking now about the 1500 coils, my buddy just put a set on his '84 1200 and they're doing a great job for him!
put the brakes on rob 1000s are in different world than 1100s and 1200s in the ignition systems... hondaman web site is where to go to try and match old coils with there info and products
Ya I know the C5 is pricy but it does solve the whole ignition problem. The other issue is I think you need to pull the motor to do the installation.
I have a set of 1500 coils ready to try on my 1980 1100. Just not sure if it need a ballast resistor. Hope not, not a very hot electrical guy.
Ok, tax refund should be in by the 15th, then it's time to order my c5! [emoji323] [emoji323] [emoji322] [emoji322] [emoji7]

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