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May 25, 2013
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Ardmore Ok.
Been watching the madness on the news last couple of days and figured I would speak my mind. I know there are certain incidents that really cry out for anger. I can think of a couple recent shooting, A fella in Long beach drunk and playing with a hose nozzle shot full of bullets without any warning at all, then there was the mentally disturbed guy that was chased in his Corvette and shot dead with his hands in plain sight.
Then there are the "what did you expect to happen" shootings like Mike Brown . It seems they think a cop should have to wait to be shot in order to shoot back, or is expected to fight his way out of it first before reaching for his weapon, regardless of if the perpetrator can get ahold of his weapon.
It has happened to a Riverside cop a couple years ago here in Ca, Single cop went chasing the guy and was sucker punched and shot by his own weapon. .
He should also be expected to receive disrespect from the pubic, he should be berated and taunted at any time by any one without acting out and always remaining calm, and of course he should never fire his weapon till he see`s the muzzle flash or is hit with a bullet.
I dont know about this society sometimes, we cry foul when they don't come and are angered when they show up and do their job.
I look at these folks on the news with their "hands up dont shoot" chants, I really cant recall any one shot by police with their hands up, not that it never happened before..I just cant recall an incident in recent history.
I have heard the rumors spread in the first day that he had his hands up but that was all proven false by witness statements..so these folks think that there is a giant cover up or that they just don't listen to anything but social media.
I`ll tell you guys, I am very impressed with the restraint and professionalism of these guys/gals in blue(or brown) I am more angry at the gangster,drug dealers and users that commit crime,molester,rapist,burglars,con artists,crazy drivers,uninsured drivers, wife beaters, and so on to ever not give the law enforcement community the benefit of the doubt.
Don't have many to vent these thought on so here it is.
I totally agree, Z! These kids are no angels! WTF is he doin' walking down the middle of the street with a handful of stolen cigars? Doing charity work?!?! These parents are blind if they think their "babies" are sweet and innocent!
i support the victoms father and mother totally ... plus the familly of the grand jury witness that was found dead in his car 20 yrd old ...and the cops are all close mouth about it
Ferguson should be listed as the stupidest place on the planet. That's as kind as I can be about the whole affair.
I wasn't going to say anything here but the genie is now out of the bottle. This happens for many reasons, and here are what I believe are the reasons in what I believe are in order of importance. These are all my opinions in my words.

1. The civil rights movement is only 50 years old, something that many whites forget when wondering why the black community behaves the way it does. Whites never experienced the oppression and brutality the Grandparents and parents of these younger generations have and these experiences are passed from generation to generation. *Think about this for minute, I never hear this being brought up in any discussion between whites about race.

2. Education. I won't pretend to understand why the black community spurns education. I guess I never could because I'm white but I do know being uneducated makes one an easy target for exploitation thus making education number 2 on this list.

3. Lack of leadership(Part 1). The black community has been exploited for money since the death of Martin Luther King(a truly remarkable man that we sadly may never see the likes of again). The loudest voices like those Jesse Jackson and later Rev. Al Sharpton learned early on that due to a lack of education the black community is like putty in their hands thus they fan the flames of racism and hatred in the guise of representing that same community as THEIR voice while becoming multimillionaires teaching then that they are the eternal victim. These voices are joined by radical black professors in prestigious black colleges that see the same racism everywhere and whom are so extreme they can point out the racism in a peanut butter and jelly sandwich again exploiting their own community for their own purposes. This example happens to be from a Latino, I couldn't find the original article to which I'm referring. https://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/09/1 ... 74905.html

4. Lack of leadership(Part 2). We all learn how to conduct ourselves from our parents. Our parents teach us right from wrong, values and give us our moral compass. True, we all go on to make mistakes and this is only natural but if our parents did their job well we have the tools to learn from these mistakes and in the end make ourselves better people. Without good parenting and the tools needed for success the black community is doomed to fall prey to those that preach the color of your skin is the reason for all your failures, trials and tribulations. Many are simply taught "White is the root of all evil," you can never succeed in a white world so why try.

5. Exlpoitaion(see below)

6. The Democratic Party has irreparably broken the black american family with it's entitlement programs. This exploitation is laid directly at the feet of whites. I don't know if it was by accident or design but I do know these programs keep black families broken, poor and voting for Democrats. For example: if it is found that a woman with children that is living on public assistance is found to have a man living in her residence she is likely to lose her assistance, which is just one way these programs and the Democrats that champion them have broken the black american family. The Democrats have claimed to to be on "the black community's" side for the last 40 years...guess who is still in a shambles, hmm?

7. The entertainment industry is another entity that has prospered by exploiting the black community, turning the THUG life into a new religion. Glamorizing the sale of drugs, exploiting women, stealing and doing anything to get money the easy way is the name of the game. Ex drug dealers like Jay Z and 50cent are the new black royalty while older rappers which are put to stable in crime dramas on TV are like a siren song to the young uneducated black man. Meanwhile the black community is further taunted by watching blacks with new found wealth whether from a lucrative sports contract, record deal or reality TV show flaunt their wealth...none of which do anything truly substantial to help their community.

8. Drugs have been a destroyer of the black community for many decades, younger blacks like to blame the Government for bringing these drugs into their cities and neighborhoods. The truth is the black community has been into drugs like most all races on earth for a very long time. But again, because of lack of education and the lies of their leadership telling them they are the eternal victim they believe this.

9. Memories of past perceived injustices at the hands of whites remain first and foremost in the minds of the black community. Rodney King, Oscar Grant III(shot in the back while on the ground resisting by police officer who thought he had his tazer in hand in an Oakland CA Bart station) and the baby that had a police concussion grenade explode in her face during a no-knock drug raid where NO drugs were found.

10. Unemployment, probably one of the main reasons and due entirely to all but the last reasons listed above is a major factor in what happens in places like Ferguson.

I feel the black community has good reason to be pissed just not for the reasons THEY believe. If anyone would like to debate any of these reasons I welcome them.

The Indians were here in this country first. They were cheated. Hunted. Had their land and rights stripped from them. Corralled on reservations.
The Chinese and Irish immigrants were put to work in company camps and became slave labor.
The Japanese were rounded up and interned during WW2 .
All were considered less than human for a time and had no rights.
The blacks were bought as slaves in Africa where they were already slaves to other blacks.
Every race is entitled to go on welfare and live off the system. Everyone is entitled to vote how they please. We are all free to study whatever subjects interest us. Public schools are provided for all children and each is free to learn as much as they can both in the school and public library.
No race is exempt from druggies or stupid or lazy.
The blacks have dominated most sports and have made a lot of money there. More so than any other race as far as I see. But I'm not a big sports guy.
Bottom line is we all have a choice in what we learn and how we live.
Part of the problem is here below, If you don't see a future you have nothing to lose.
[url=https://classicgoldwings.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=136286#p136286:1mcjbbk5 said:
zman » Wed Nov 26, 2014 8:55 pm[/url]":1mcjbbk5]
Part of the problem is here below, If you don't see a future you have nothing to lose.
The loud voices I mentioned above along with the guilty white media don't want to hear this message. Nice find!

i have to agree with zman and randy...if ones had the time to look into things like i can ..you will find out that the city account of radio transmition of the police is a total fabrication ... there are true patriots and real americans that monitor these so called protectors ....and there accounts of event is simply a total lie ...

somehow its not news when the fbi had admit the the sandy hook tragedy was all a hoax ...no one was killed that day no one ...not even the alleged shooter .....that red cross took in millions upon millions to help the victoms and just kept the money ... somehow this is not news and our justice system dosnt even go after this strait rip off .... but some did and is how the lid got blown off sandy hook scam .. these are not theories i am spouting these are facts ...hard facts ...if white people think that somehow they escape the wrath of the gov ....you are foolish and believe exactly what they want you to.....

i have worked around a lot of black people in the worse conditions ... most are real men ive been around ... givin opportunity there quite the force ... how do you control such a force you take opportunity off the table and blame them ... box them up in huge building that if there was jobs at 7 in the morning to go to ..there is no parking lot for cars to go to ......what randy said about breaking the families up in black community is equally true for whits also...

our gov always backs the worse the world has to offer ...like this piece of **** cop... its no matter karma is huge ...regardless of how well this **** life is protected ...his life will be self infected misery till the end of it