Fuel prices

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dan filipi

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Van Nuys Ca.
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I think by now everyone MUST know these oil companies are thieves!
How can anyone think any thing different?

The price goes up, people don't use oil so the reserve goes up, oil companies loose money so they play with the price to get us comfortable and drive more.
It happens every time there's a spike in price.

Now they say a gallon should come down .45 by Memorial day!
It sure as hell aint gonna come down to where it was!

They figure now (by monitoring demand) that when it hit $4 per gallon use dropped dramatically.
This tells me they figure the public will be "OK" with $4 per gallon and level out demand (in Cali anyway).
I bet you anything they'll drop it here to $3.50 or so then it will slowly creep up to $4, just watch.
detdrbuzzard":dstog63d said:
the govment won't do that after all higher prices mean the govment gets more tax money

Not in Ontario, taxes are set per liter. So the same tax money is collected if it's $1.39/liter or $0.95/liter
slabghost":nw3g50fo said:
Price control is always a bad idea.

Not sure it's price control they are after, as explained on the news it's more why hasn't the price of gas come down when the price of crude comes down but as soon as crude goes up the price of gas goes up. Sure the price does go down but not as much as it goes up.
Example: Say on day 1 crude was $100/barrel and gas is $1/liter. Day 2 crude rises to $150/barrel gas goes to $1.35/liter.
Day 3 rolls around crude drops back to $100/barrel but gas only drops to $1.10/liter. Whats with the 10cent rise?
Day 15 (decided to skip a bit) crude is again at $150/barrel so gas should be at around $1.35 you'd think as that was the price set
before on day 2 right? Nope gas is now at $1.38.
And thats what is being looked into, at least thats how I see it form what I've heard from the news.
Of course what the say they are doing and what they might actually look into or do can and probably are two different things
When government get's into it it always get's down to simple price controls. Personally I hope they do nothing. Government interference is already huge in the oil business.
We had a thread here before about oil and gas prices (or was that before the crash?). As I mentioned then, you would be shocked to find out how many oil tankers sit offshore and at anchorages waiting for the go ahead to go to dock. The oil onboard those tankers is not sold until after it is offloaded. The oil onboard is only a commodity in transit. During the 2008 gas crisis, there were about 8 tankers sitting in Delaware Bay waiting on orders to move up river! Not because the berths were full, but waiting on pricing!!!! :cheeky:
The comparison of crude prices compared to gasoline and diesel doesn't take into account the myriad forms of taxation. I've no idea how old the data is here. https://www.ontariogasprices.com/Tax_Info.aspx
However it shows that state tax here is $.28 a gallon plus 5% sales tax. This is of course at the end of the distribution cycle. I'm sure the taxes are staggering if added up through the entire process. At least here the taxes are set rates. In some states taxes vary based on annual sales volumes or some other variable. Local and fed. govt.s are raking in huge profits for doing absolutely nothing positive to the process. All this feigned outrage buy politicians is a dog and pony show designed to mislead the public. The situation is exactly how they want it. Consumers are of no concern to them for the most part.
chasrogers":5havg8a6 said:
the big question being asked is when the gov gave the oil companys the tax breaks it was supposed to help keep the prices down but now what is being questioned is how is it that the oil companys posted a 35 billion dollar proffit in the first three months of the year now the gov is going to pull all tax breaks from the oil companys so it will be passsed to you and me weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee fun on the oil slide of the government tax shift.
Actually the tax breaks (incentives) were originally to encourage more drilling and production. Both of which the gov. and EPA have made impossible. :Doh2:

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