Gl 1100 spedo face

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gl 1100 1980
I have an old gl 1100 from 1980. Is here anywone that have a faceplate for km/h ??? Tryed to make my own and have it for km. But it just is not that nice...
Here's the speedo I have. I bought it off fleabay, but when I got it I realized it was not a GL1100 gauge. It does work but there is no way to set the trip meter back to 0. I used it until I could find the correct gauge.
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I used these guys on my GL1000. Top notch people. You can purchase just the faces, or you can also get new cans, new glass, new gaskets, new sealing rings, and various other items. Or you can send them your gauges and have them rebuild them for you.
I have an '81 GL1100 speedo/tach setup with both mph and km/h on the face. Are you looking for just km/h? My set is available for purchase.
Also, just in case, you can also purchase a small bottle of fluorescent orange paint off of eBay for the tips of your gauge needles. The devils in the details.