Goldwing bites the ice...

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 3, 2009
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Duncanville, Texas
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1981 GL1100 Innerstate("The Turd")SOLD!!, 1996 GL1500 Innerstate
Folks, I love riding a bike, especially my Goldwing, as much as anyone, but...there has to be a point in time where ya gotta ask yourself, "Do I really have to go today?".
It's sad, but, an '83 'Wing rider lost his life today in Arlington Texas(10 minutes from me). It was 16 degrees this morning, with ice/sleet all over the roads. An 18 wheeler apparently hit the guy on the bike, killing him. I'm saddened by the loss of a life, but I have to question the rationality of ANYONE attempting to ride a bike in this kind of weather. I realize it may have been an emergency of some sort, but we'll never know. I just can't think of anything so important that I would risk my life on a bike in the icy weather we're having here. I think I would have to find some other way to get where I needed to be....
RIP, Goldwing Rider...

The local news station did have video of the bike, they just showed it on the news, but I cannot find a link to anything....
Sad news. Back in the days when I was 10ft tall and bulletproof I'd ride in blizzard conditions. Thankfully I survived to learn I'm mortal after all. :yahoo:
I'm sure the bike would be fine on ice, if prepared properly. studded tires and all the warm weather gear.
but this guy was hit by a big truck... you cant prepare someone else..... and those trucks are harder to stop on ice...
it comes down to common sense, and to a small extent LUCK. drive defensively! be safe, and you'll almost always get there.

I dont know this guy, but I am sorry for the loss.
there was a guy at the company i work for that rode in all winter. he was in a different department so i didn't know him. i asked another friend that works in the same department as the guy that rode all year and was informed that he transfered out but he's still riding
A truck hitting you, how can you prepare for that!

It's bad enough watching for the other guy in good dry weather around here.
I love to ride in the rain but scared shxxless someone is going to take me out.

Sad to hear about these things but it's a reality.

Yesterday a MC was down on the 405, in the fast lane.
This strip is known for lane splitters, 40-50 mph in 10 mph traffic.

Many accidents can be avoided.
i think apples point is that ice makes the cars and trucks around you much more dangerous in hitting you .....cagers dont look out for you good enough in riding weather .....there realy not looking for you in bad winter conditions ....iced up windsheilds ...gloomy weather and snow ...and slip sliding away prepare by not being there on the road if its not manditory.... :mrgreen:
you prepare by not being there on the road if its not mandatory.
that was my point.
even if you are well prepared and can handle the cold and snow/ice, you CANT prepare for others hitting you. and it worse when conditions are worse.

Be safe, live to ride another day.
Ida know fellers...I guess my sense of self preservation keeps me from getting out and riding in weather that could cause me to loose control of my bike. Heck, I don't even ride if it gets below 53-54's just too cold, and uncomfortable, which means it's not enjoyable. :mrgreen:
Granted, back in the day, I did a TON of stoopid stuff that I shoulda never lived thru, but am thankful I did.
Best I could tell from the news report, the Goldwing rider slid into the truck, or over in front of the truck, something like that. The truck never stopped, and the investigators thought the truck driver may have not even known he had hit the bike. It was such a quick little blurb it was hard to retain all of the info. The video of the bike wasn't very pleasant, for sure. It was mangled pretty badly. I still haven't been able to find anything about it on the TV station's web-site, either...

For youse guys that do ride when there is 1" or so of ice on the roads, YA'LL BE CAREFUL!!!!!
Gotta remember, this is Texas...we don't have to deal with stuff like this very often, if at all.
I heard about that today too, Iam just an hour away and it sure was cold that day, I like riding just as much as the next guy but when its that cold and icee I think I would have called a cab or a friend to take me were I need to go.


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I have done plenty of riding in snow and ice in past years BUT allmost all of it has been in the dirt on back roads and most falls were laffin falls...Street riding is dangres enough without the ice and snow bu now and then you get in over your head and that is when you have to use your head and run to shelter...It is a lot of fun to ride four wheelers on snow packed dirt roads but 2 wheels on icy blacktop are always potential OWIES. I feel very saddende for the loss of this rider and will pray for the family
Sorry to hear that another biker has fallen, I'm a ******* and I know better than that, don't ride in icy conditions..Unless you have a death wish..I'm sorry for the family that lost their loved one, I'm sure the guy was cool..I think guy's do this for a couple of reasons, first is to get somewhere because they have no other transportation and the other is because then want to be the crazy guy that people talk about..My pickups trans went out one winter but I had the bike to run around on, there was not ice out yet, it was just cold..

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