A buddy and I were up in the mountains and snow in my 75 International Scout (RIP).
We were drinkin of course like we always did, surprised we lived through some of the stuff we did.
Anyway, we were on this fire road that had a cliff on one side, mountain on the other with the snow bank.
He's from Michigan, I guess to overcome boredom they drive into the snow bank or something.
Well he kept reaching over and grabbing the wheel and turning us right so we'd hit the bank!
Yeah funny ha ha.
It was not so funny when we hit a root or something which ramped us up and flipped us over wheels up!
Man we were so lucky there was a few jeeps in front of us to help out.
Was funny, the guy in front of us said he looked in the mirror and thought the headlights didn't look right :smilie_happy:
Man that Scout was a workhorse. I had to reach up and turn the key off, it was still running!