Help in Texas brakes

Classic Goldwings

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Feb 21, 2014
Reaction score
San Antonio, Texas
Bleeding the brakes rear is fine & brake lights work. Now the front right caliper nothing I try to pump up front brake & don't notice a change in the handle, left side bleeder valve I get brake fluid shooting out no air, but the right side I get nothing plus no brake light from front brakes & the brakes seem to work fine. Do I need to rebuild the caliper on that side and replace the front brake light switch? anyone run into this problem before if so let me know how you fixed it or what I need to do?

Right front caliper is fed by the REAR brake pedal, not the front lever. It's a unified system....rear brakes and right front caliper off of the pedal, left front caliper from the hand lever. :good:

As far as the brake light issue, it probably is the switch.

Let me get this straight. The linked brakes are bled and work right both front and back? So now you need the front brakes right? Try removing the line from the front master with the cover off. Then pump the master holding your thumb or finger over the outlet of the master and pump the handle slowly until it both pushes out and sucks your finger in. Then reinstall the line loose. Pull the master handle and hold it while you tighten the line. Slowly release the handle. You should see bubbles in the reservoir. Pull and release slowly a few times until no bubbles are seen. Then try bleeding the caliper.
Thanks I looked it up on-line and found out about how the brakes work (boy do I feel stupid) and went & bleed the right side no problems. it's not in my Clymer Manual starting to think that book was just a waste of money. found the switch on E-Bay for under $10.00 bucks don't know if that is a good deal or not.

Thank You
Yeah Clymer is much a waste with the forums at our disposal now though they are good in some sections.
Check with the forum before using the Clymer info also, lot's of it is wrong.
I just cleaned the contacts on the Rats Nests switch. Just be careful when you pry the plastic clips to release the body of the switch. I prefer to use a jewellers screwdriver ( small flat blade) and don't forget to use some lubricant when reassembling.
[url= said:
ironhead1970 » Wed Feb 26, 2014 3:27 pm[/url]":1j2ix9sb]
Thanks I looked it up on-line and found out about how the brakes work (boy do I feel stupid) and went & bleed the right side no problems. it's not in my Clymer Manual starting to think that book was just a waste of money. found the switch on E-Bay for under $10.00 bucks don't know if that is a good deal or not.

Thank You

Did you get that link I emailed you for the 1200 manual.
Take a 6 inch wire strip both ends.. pull the brake switch off the front master cylinder by the lever.. let on jumper the two wires and see if you have brake light.. if so you're front switch is either loose , out of adjustment or worse case bad... on the rear brake light push on pedal if you have brake lights then that is okay.. if no lights pull down where the lil' spring white connects send see if lights light... if not though may have bad bulb sockets or bulbs

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