Curious if there's any experience with this outfit Parts&c=179853&k=GL1200 Parts&c=179853&k=GL1200
[url= said:julimike54 » Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:46 am[/url]"]Curious if there's any experience with this outfit Parts&c=179853&k=GL1200[/quote
They are all Ebay listings from what i am seeing. Maybe these are new sellers with not many sells and trying to build there reviews up, or it could be some kind of gimmick trying to sell.
Yes, it appears the ads are from all different sellers so I'd guess the dealing is only as trusty as that ebay seller and has little if anything to do with '' Just a 3rd party listing site.[url= said:backyardtrouble » 10 minutes ago[/url]":1jeg2g8f]
[url= said:julimike54 » Sat Jun 18, 2016 9:46 am[/url]":1jeg2g8f]Curious if there's any experience with this outfit Parts&c=179853&k=GL1200[/quote
They are all Ebay listings from what i am seeing. Maybe these are new sellers with not many sells and trying to build there reviews up, or it could be some kind of gimmick trying to sell.