How To Stop a Massacre

Classic Goldwings

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Surveillance Video Reveals Simple, Low-Cost Solution That Works Everywhere

by Mike Adams
Natural News

Recently by Mike Adams: Shock Revelation: City of Aurora, Colorado Would Have Arrested Anyone Who Stopped the Batman Massacre With a Concealed Weapon

In the aftermath of the Aurora, Colorado Batman movie theater shooting, a surveillance video has surfaced that shows the simple, obvious answer to the question on everybody's mind: How do we stop a massacre?

The answer is revealed in the stunning short video shown below. This remarkable solution:

• Requires no police.
• Costs the taxpayers no money.
• Requires no up-front paperwork.
• Protects innocent lives.
• Is deployed in as little as FIVE seconds.
• Works everywhere.
• Deters violent crime.
• Makes bad guys flee immediately.
• Is easy to learn.
• Functions at the local level.
• Does not require control or intervention by the United Nations or any government entity

You've just witnessed the stopping power of a .380.
I have seen a longer version of this video.

I have a question. What would "grandpa" have done if one of those kids started shooting back?
In the other videos I've seen, I counted about 5 or 6 shots. The old dude is shooting towards innocent people, and the bad guys are still getting up and scrambling towards the door.

I think this happened in Florida somewhere. Now....for the California twist.
In California you are not allowed to shoot somebody to defend your property. If you do shoot somebody, you must be able to prove you were in fear for life. (yours or someone elses) But not just to defend your wallet or big screen TV.
That in mind, shooting someone in the back while running away is gonna be hard to prove fear for life. Especially if the bad guys folks get him a lawyer.
The bad guys made it out the door where they were no longer an immediate threat, and gramps was still taking pot shots out the door into....sidewalk, parking lot, shopping center, street traffic, etc. who knows what?
Just some thoughts after watching a few versions of this incident.

I do believe Americans should be able to arm themselves, and I believe they should be able to do it without jumping through the hoops of the CCW permit lottery. With that I believe Americans should be better trained, or in most cases trained at all. At the very least, they should have to qualify for safety and accuracy by demonstration in the presence of a certified range master at least once a year.
i think anyone who is facing a gun sould use a gun if they dont want to die ....the goverment cares nothing about dead victoms ...and kills many innocent people and always claims no fault ...the way laws are getting you must assume anyone that has a gun a threat matter what clothes they wear or badges or hoods or what they say one has the right to assasinate others including presidents ...i have no respect for that kind of arigance at all ...grandpa could have save many lives there period ...just my opinion...personaly i can shoot to wound or kill ...most training is to kill ...i think thats stupid and completely insane ...the gun not the killler its the operator and policies of kill first
There'd be a lot fewer criminal if everyone (adults) carried guns. Fear of death is a great deterrent. High crime areas are also low carry areas.