******* idiot Unions phail again...

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Omega Man

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Dec 3, 2009
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Sin City, Nevada
I just got to wonder how the bakers for Hostess feel about their union right now. No jobs for anyone union and non-union alike! Just like that idiot in that Bain ad, blaming everyone EXCEPT the union for the failing of the steel plant he was employed.

I realize there was a time when unions were needed to help workers, but those days are gone, long gone. I haven't seen a news story where a union helped it's employees in a long time-20 yrs? save the UAW which is Govt protected-only inflexible dysfunctional entities that would rather ALL lose EVERYTHING than compromise to save it's workers and the company. :roll:

"Today's unions are the last bastion of the lazy and selfish." - union worker friend of mine.

yep this is suppose to be a country of self determination not union determination ....yep im proud to be a scab as the union break takers do nothing call independent people ...i can tell you as a master constructor in all kinds of ways ...i never met but one union guy who had good skills and could hang with me ...most union guys always trying to justify paying for union dues that are never layed off when the workers are ....all big unions are totaly taken over by moneychanger parisites with a adgenda that has nothing to do with the workers ....same as the dcgov union in washington dc ...the worst union
Welp fellas.........Like it er or not theirs good & bad in everything. Unions seem to be a good whipping post lately & in some ways rightfully so. We only hear what the mainstreem media wants us to hear. Remember 2 sides to every story. Remember without them every one would be working for minimum wage. Lots of non union jobs pay scale are reflections of what unions bargained for.
Here in Wisconsin our own government made its public workers & teachers out to be thugs. Since the Scott Walker debacle. Ya call it what you want.......But I hadn't seen such demonstrations since the Viet Nam war. Ya think something wasn't right????
I've worked in both Union & non union shops. I know all the pros & cons.......Its real easy to blame failed management on the "Union" wages. Seems to be the favorite scapegoat as of late.
Its OK for a company CEO to make millions..........& not pay a liveable wage to its employees???

There's corruption on both sides of the isle fellows. Someone needs to point that out!

All these folks out there that are trying to bust the unions are only harming their neighbors. Yup I'm one of them. I worked for a company for 13 years. Because of bad management "WE" the "Union" voted wage consessions the last 2 years to try to keep it afloat. Borrowed them money from our wages to help them out. Only to have them slam the door in our faces. Oweing us & everyone else money.. Luckily!! Our pension money went to the "Union" so we didn't loose that!
So in 5 & 1/2 years @ age 65 I'll be able to draw a lifetime pension. IF they are still in business.

So let the flaming begin!!! :rant: :rant:
No flaming to be started even here. We can cus and discuss the pros an cons in a civil adult manner. I currently work in a union shop and the pay is good but so many I work with would not be able to hold a job without union support and rules.I would happily terminate my union membership if I could. I could do much better negotiating my own contract.
I support collective bargaining in PRIVATE business, where both sides have skin in the game.

Bu, nowadays a major threat to our economy is public employee unions. Why? Those "negotiating" on the taxpayer behalf have their own interests at heart, not ours. So, they give the public employee unions whatever they want knowing that a good chunk will be kicked back in election donations to keep the scam going.

And, I can already hear the pissing and moaning from them when they are told that those wages and benefits that dwarf what their average employer/taxpayer gets simply won't be paid after all as there just ain't the money to do so. Looks like the USPS employees are likely to be the first to learn the truth.

Silly parasites, you're killing your own host!

P.S. Oh, but we must keep a tight rein on benefits for veterans! Apparently, it's much more hazardous work pushing paper and sifting through mountains of regulations to figure out how to kill businesses and separate us from our own natural resources so that we can pay for our enemies' military operations!
Bobo":3erp3vf4 said:
And, I can already hear the pissing and moaning from them when they are told that those wages and benefits that dwarf what their average employer/taxpayer gets simply won't be paid after all as there just ain't the money to do so. Looks like the USPS employees are likely to be the first to learn the truth.
Here again someone is ready to point fingers @ the "Union" worker. In this case the USPS. Without knowing the "Big Picture" of whats been going on.
I've worked for an independant mail contractor for the past 10 years. The USPS isn't going broke because of what they pay their workers. Sure there's their share of **** off's there just as in any shop. Then there's a lot of good workers there that don't get the credit they deserve.

Their going broke for many reasons. Poor planning, To much management! They could see the decline for years & failed to plan appropreatly until it was to late. Congress is also to blame! for not taking the necessary steps needed to help them out. Such as stamp pricing. Ending Saturday delivery etc!

Lets just go on & blame the workers wage just because its an easy, scapegoat thing to do! That way management doesn't have to clean up their own back yard!

Good paying jobs are quickly disapearing in this country. How many of your Children, Grandchildren are juggling work scedules for 2 to 3 jobs because they can't find one good paying one?

Wouldn't it be nice if every member of this forum made enough money to afford a new(er) Goldwing?

Like my signature says,
i like this ...it helps to round out everybodys knowledge from many eyes ...we at at classic can do this easy ...without being kids ...i love the input put here all way around ....all of us like oldwings and it oldwings bring all types together ...im not hating anyone ....these are issues of the day and free speech is all educating and never a crime in people with manners :laptop: :mrgreen:
joedrum":xe3z05mv said:
free speech is all educating and never a crime in people with manners
Agreed and people with manners know when and where exercising that right is appropriate. This is the place! ;)

My only Union experience was dismal. Talking to some of the old timers, it was our local that was screwed up and the worst they had seen in their lifetime of union association. We went on strike (only a week long) and found out after the fact, the whole thing was due to the union president trying to get something for himself that would have resulted in a much higher retirement, for HIM. Management had offered a good package that would have benefited everyone, but withdrew it due to his stubbornness.

Screwed not by management, not by the union, but one greedy person.

I could have, and do now, got by on much less money than what I was getting paid then. With the current situation, I think a lot of people are going to have to learn to get by on less. Those high paying jobs are going away (mine went overseas.) Replacement jobs are much less money and hard to find unless you settle on some minimum wage type job. Employers can offer less, require more qualifications/experience, and get takers because people are 'hungry' for any job to pay the bills and put food on the table. Forget luxuries.

Who's at fault? We are! As long as we demand the highest pay and go to the cheapest stores (overseas products) we will have and create our own problems. Those that can't accept the responsibility, will find someone else to place the blame on. There is enough blame to go around.

So far as Hostess vs union, I'm sure there was enough blame and stubbornness on both sides. Without inside information, a no win situation. Will probably be importing Twinkies in 2013.

yep nice post ron....unions once in a house has control of ALL JOBS THERE oppps didnt do that on purpose ...that a and cap lock and my fat fingers....anyway that excludes everyone that dont beleave in unions from a job there ....making flat out discrimination by design and in no way good ....when the head of the teachers union said we will care about the stufent when they start paying dues was just a perfect sign that his union totaly sucks with him morals ...as always ...the statement about no fog in the fight says alot ...ron story says a lot ....equality only works if all are equal ....we are far from that as you can get it seems...yes most of the time there is righy side to be on there both as coruot as can be...and the workers still suffer
joedrum":3kel4hwl said:
....anyway that excludes everyone that dont beleave in unions from a job there ...
Actually this was in Florida and Florida is a Right to Work State. Union membership was not compulsory. Non-members got everything that was negotiated, good or bad. Crap about that strike went on for years.

Orlando, FL. (April 30, 2003) — After finding merit to unfair labor practice charges brought by eleven union-abused employees of Agere Systems (formerly Lucent Technologies), the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) brokered a settlement agreement which forces union officials to cease all threats of fines and vandalism to the non-striking workers’ vehicles.

National Right to Work Foundation attorneys assisted Alan Olds and similarly abused Agere Systems employees in filing the charges at the NLRB after International Brotherhood of Electrical Workers (IBEW) Local 2000 officials illegally threatened retaliation against employees who continued to work during a 1998 strike.

The settlement requires IBEW union officials to post a notice for 60 days, conspicuously at locations within Agere Systems’ main office, informing workers of their right to withdraw immediately at any time from union membership. The notice will also state that all resignations will be accepted, and that non-union workers need not fear retaliation from the union hierarchy in the form of vandalism, retaliatory fines, or other intimidation tactics used by IBEW union agents. Union officials must rescind disciplinary fines of as much as $1,790 per worker.

“The bully-boy tactics employed by IBEW officials to silence employee dissent are despicable,” said Stefan Gleason, Vice President of the National Right to Work Legal Defense Foundation. “Unfortunately, even in states like Florida where important Right to Work protections exist, many workers still suffer intimidation at the hands of union bosses.”

The workers filed charges in the fall of 1998, after IBEW Local 2000 officials ordered them off the job during a strike against Lucent Technologies. As the strike progressed, many workers wished to exercise their right to resign from the union and return to work. When workers started exercising their Right to Work, IBEW union officials misled scores of workers by telling them that they could not resign from the union.

Under the Supreme Court’s Patternmakers v. NLRB decision, employees who wish to resign from a union may do so simply by sending a resignation letter to the union. One day after the letter is postmarked, they can return to their jobs without facing union-imposed strike fines.

The plant closed and all operations were moved to Singapore in 2005.

Unions had a place in our past, but now I don't see it. We saw how well they worked a while ago with the Air Traffic Controllers Strike. After they were all fired, a lot of military Air Traffic Controllers stepped into some good paying jobs when their enlistment was up.

Workers deserve an honest days pay for an honest days work. Seems like too many people want a more than honest days pay for little or no work.


I have a good friend who works for the USPS and she's told me about the layers of excess and stupid management as well as the political football they feel like. They are already nervous about whether they will collect their pensions, at all let alone at a reduced level, which is more likely.

My point above is that public employee unions are an inherently corrupt system that can only lead to excessive promises being made by politicians, promises that cannot be met, arithmetically. Trust me, my first finger-pointing is never at "the worker" (God, I hate that Marxist phrase!) but at politicians, who by their nature are lying, self-serving sacks of ****.

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