Iron Butt - Alaska Style!!!!

Classic Goldwings

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A crampbuster along with a throttle lock to me is required equipment for any rides over 50 miles.

I have an electronic cruise control also but that can be done a pinch :mrgreen:
No, they are out on the Alaska pennensula, no road access unless you take a ferry first.

Part of my route took me alongside the st. Elias mt range, and there was a pretty nice inactive volcano to look at for awhile. I stopped and read a sign at a scenic viewpoint that said it was crab mountain.

I was so disappointed with my ability to take pictures of the full moon that I forgot to take a pic!!!

1982 GL1100
Ok, I finally got around to working up the numbers for my mileage. Not quite as good as I was expecting.

Average: 41 mpg

Best Tank: 45 mpg

Worst Tank: 37.5 mpg

The high was in an area that was up and down winding mountains, but I kept my speed down to around 55mph or lower mostly due to increased traffic, darn tourists!!.

The low was at 2-4 a.m. winding mountain and some good straight roads and zero traffic. Average speed was probably pretty good considering I stopped at a inn for breakfast, had biscuits and gravy, and still averaged 37mph. I am guessing that my average speed was around 65+.

Not bad, but I thought I got about 50 a few weeks ago...maybe I didn't measure it right.

I know that driving on the work/home commute, I get about 34 mpg.
Nice ride!!
I'm too old to do that, but I sure would like to make that a more leisurely pace! We homesteaded at Delta Junction in 1959 (I was three) WAAAAYYYYY better place to grow up that Trenton New Jersey!!!!

We'll make it up there soon. Our youngest still lives in Fairbanks. What was the condition of the highways? Hit much in the way of repair/construction? Sounds like you didn't spend much time waiting for a pilot car.......dang good time on that run!

Congrats, and enjoy the riding season!
Only hit one real stretch of construction, 5 miles of dirt just north of Telkeetna. Pilot car and all. :-(

Roads were very good, I did catch a gut wrenching bit of air off of a frost heave near the Lake Louise turnoff west of Glennallen though!!! i had no idea we could jump these things!! Lol

1982 GL1100
The frost heaves can be useful......

My dad was a state trooper and used the frost heaves to put an end to a car chase. People that did not know the roads that he patrolled were usually persuaded to stop.....either by catching some unexpected air and unexpected soiling in their undergarments, or simply by going off the road and mucking around in the ditch. He was able to push them to the maximum speeds the road would sustain, which got way too exciting for most folks!! :smilie_happy:

It's good to know where those suckers are!

Good to hear you only ran across one construction delay. Sitting at those stops can get tedious even when you are NOT trying to make good time.
nice pic's from your iron butt ride and congrats on completing it
crampbuster : i'm not sure if a small will work on a large grip but it will work on a foam covered grip. I know a large will not work on a small grip unless it has something like grip puppies covering them

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