I am a sap for a love story... and though some guys may not see the connection, I want to introduce you to my new girlfriend since April 09.
Some guys name their bikes while others think its a strange practice. To each his own!
I named mine (not so) RED BARCHETTA
If you know the story in the song... the exhileration the kid feels as he takes off in his uncles old car... has to be similar to what I feel when I take a right at the stop sign and start to wind her up...out on a new day's adventure!!! So here is the song
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So let me OFFICIALLY introduce you to my baby... my not so lovely lady... OHHHH BUT SOMEDAY SHE WILL BE A LOOKER!!!!
Some guys name their bikes while others think its a strange practice. To each his own!
I named mine (not so) RED BARCHETTA
If you know the story in the song... the exhileration the kid feels as he takes off in his uncles old car... has to be similar to what I feel when I take a right at the stop sign and start to wind her up...out on a new day's adventure!!! So here is the song
Click and Listen
Is that a perfect description of a Goldwing ride or what?!?!?!?!?!I fire up the willing engine
responding with a roar!
Tires spitting gravel
I commit my weekly crime!
Wind in my hair...
shifting and drifting...
mechanical music...
adrenaline surge!!!
well weathered leather...
hot metal and oil...
the scented country air!!!
sunlight on chrome...
the blur of the landscape...
every nerve aware!!!
So let me OFFICIALLY introduce you to my baby... my not so lovely lady... OHHHH BUT SOMEDAY SHE WILL BE A LOOKER!!!!