My kids, how I love them...let me count the ways.

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 6, 2009
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On a mountain in the Ozarks
My Bike Models
1982 Standard
My daughter went to some kinda thing with some other kids and wanted to use my camera. So when I go to use it today this is what I get.


This is right out of the camera. It was shot in RAW format, so JPEG conversion was the only thing done to it.
It can be Photoshopped, but why have to do all the extra work. I wonder what it costs to have a camera cleaned?
dan filipi":1nk9iuiz said:
Wonderful, what happened to it, get dropped in the sand?
Noooooo. Nothiiiiiing. I dunooooooo. Tsk' daaaaaaad! Ok, whaterverrrrrr.

I suspect that when she grabbed it, it had the 50mm prime lens on it. I think that's the one I used last time for some portraits. She HATES not being able to zoom in and out. She must have been in a dust storm when changing the lens. I usually rig it up for her and put it in her hands, but this time she called me at work and I said "ya, go ahead and take it".

Here's the same one after some cloning, blurring, and band-aiding. I touched the saturation a little and hit the "auto"levels button.

I guess daddy fixed it. :hi:
oh my gershhhh....just minutes ago my son comes draging in .....looks liked he fell off a cliff ......thats because he did ....its a long running jump to get far enough out to hit the water ....he sliped just before the leap and looks like he hit every rock on the way down ......thats good its a long ways down and it would have been bad if he didnt hit anything but the bottom ....hes completely tore up from haead to toe .....i coulnt find 6 square inches that wasnt scraped up and bleeding ....this is diffinitly the other side of the camera issue heck they cant even take of themselfs star player on the football team .....he realy going to be hurting in the morning ..... :heat: :doh: its not like i dont know where he got it from :Doh2:
Joe, I hope your son is OK. Have summer two-a-day practices started in Indiana yet? If so, he will be regretting that accident.

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