new to me carbs from rock 75 yr 755a

Classic Goldwings

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Dec 8, 2009
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chuluota florida



some pics as they came from the box
ok weather conditions have line up to where im looking at these carbs now really for the first time ...they are getting ready to be used on hooch maybe after a testing with 1100 carbs is complete ....there looking nice ...appear to maybe have after market parts in it not sure yet ...the bowl gaskits seemed sloppy cut ...inside they looked clean ..ill check the idle jets soon ...right now im cleaning up the slides ..they were rather sticky ... and a lot lot of fine cleaning here to do me this is the most important part to get slides to operate instantly ...the bike cant if the slides dont....ill take some pics and put up soon
well been through slides and bowls this is a canident for flow and stop flow bench test now if it paases that ...i will try them ...some pics



pic of idle jet clearing bit ....still ned to clear idle jets and reset floats and some outside cleaning to do
so far im i havnt done much but look things over and clean ...i must say one bowl gaskit out of four was really sad looking fit ...i might just steal some original gasl=kits i have to use from crummy rack of carbs that will never be again ....
im totaly in the camp that buying rebuild kits is 90% waste of time as most carbs dont suffer from bad oring or even worn o rings ...and if bad it isnt all of them ...and its seems always a cleaning where its cloged up deal...this rack is the first one ive got that seems to have after markit parts ...let me say i think is best unless totally not useable to try original parts and replace nothing and thorough cleaning first ...and pretty much here on this rack :mrgreen:
yep theses carbs will be flow tested and if it passes that they will be tried .....they look like they might go now ...the slides seemed to be all stuok and for sure were not capable of operating right ...
I'm with you, Joe.
Most "rebuilds" require just a cleaning.
When parts are needed, they're usually minimal.
O-rings I buy a ACE Hardware at a fraction of the cost of the "Specialist" suppliers.
"Viton" as a compound appears to be a mandatory synthetic for o-rings as set forth by who?, ...someone with the ability to effectively market the what?, ...the product?
Sheeesh, man.
Fear is insanity, as is a $9.00 o-ring for any carburetor.
rock im so glad to have this rack to work with ....i dont even know how to put in words ...theres no doutb these carbs are going to part of my best project build for me personal fixing to flow test them soon maybe today ...but with sin out and temps rising i will finish putting hooch together for a hopeful test ride later this week it might get in upper 50s ....ive got a feeling these carbs are going to feed a beast of a oldwing soon really confident in that....ill do everything i can to make that happen ....the rack you sent me gave me that chance thank you rock ....

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