New-to-me goldwing hauler

Classic Goldwings

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well, the way I see it street bikes are made to ride on the street not haul on the street. If for some reason you dont work on your bike and you let other hands touch it, then you need a low trailer, pickups suck for hauling bikes unless you have some elaborate contraption get them in it. I have two pick ups and a dirt bike I haul in a trailer
Well I have a truck, 28 ft travel trailer and a street bike which I take from time to time. Have to remove the canopy from the truck to get M/C on, then comes the trouble. At home I can drive the bike onto the truck as my yard is raised and I can back up to it, But when away from home I have to use a ramp of some sort. It also has to be raised some what so the bike frame won't bottom out as it reaches the crest. Best procedure is to find a loading dock, So the bikes don't come too often. :crying: :crying: Like now :head bang:
Lots of reasons to haul a street bike. If you buy one not running, and it's several hundred miles from home. I would much rather make that trip with the bike in the back of the truck instead of dragging a trailer behind. Much easier to park, get gas, etc. Trailers are fine on good roads, but they suck on rough dirt backroads. Also when traveling and carrying more that you can haul on the bike. Hauling a trailer is just more trouble than putting the bike in the truck. Each to his own though. If I have a choice (and I do) I'll haul it in the truck as opposed to a trailer any day.
I prefer the truck, as long as I can load the bike safely. I have a lifting point in the roof of my garage, so now I lift the whole bike with a chain hoist and drive the truck under.

Away from home I use a ramp but I won't attempt it without help. I've had a couple of close calls trying to do it myself, with the more.

Trouble with a trailer, for me living in the city, is where to put it the 364 days that it's not being used.

Yup. One of those close calls (bunch of stiches in my head) convinced me to build the loader setup posted earlier in this thread. I had rode my Harley up and down the ramp in the truck for years. And then one day.......
It all happened so fast that I can't say for sure what happened. I am rolling down the ramp and then next thing I am waking up trying to get the ole' hog off me. After I got the bike up and on the kickstand, I took off in the truck to the emergency room. Learned my lesson.
Get the wide ramp and a remote control 2000 winch from Harbor Freight. You sit on the bike and let the winch pull you up or let you roll back down. I did it on my trailer as I was getting old wings with no front brakes. Worked like a champ.