Having the + and the - wires on the correct terminal of a speaker will greatly improve the sound. Having BOTH speakers wired correctly is called "in phase". I have found over the years that the little + and - signs on the speaker terminals don't mean squat.
What happens when you get the + and - "backwards", or out of phase on one speaker, is that speaker's cone is moving in the opposite direction from the other speaker. This will kill any bass, but for some reason, it seems to work fine for talk/speaking.
I always connect one speaker with the + & - on the corresponding terminal of one speaker. Then, with music playing, I'll connect the other speaker both ways, and see which way has the best bass, and overall sound. That's the way it gets wired from there.
I'm sure there are way more scientific explanations, and methods to doing this, but this werks for me. :mrgreen: